
Trusted Member
Joined: Dec 28, 2016
Topics: 11 / Replies: 71
Replies: 9
Views: 1503
RE: Discussion Topic: Project Management in a medical device setting

The regulatory aspect of project management for medical devices is a very obvious difference. I think another big difference between project manageme...

7 years ago
RE: Project Life Cycle

Planning phase and executing phase are by far the most important phases in product lifecycle management. During the planning phase it is imperative t...

7 years ago
RE: Professions in Academia and the Industry

To answer your question regarding consulting: In order to be a "real" consultant, you need years of experience. Companies will usually reach out to ...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Academia vs. Industry

Outside of of the pros of industry salary and academia tenure, I would argue that there are certain pros and cons with the type of people and personal...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Practical vs. Informational courses

I don't believe there is a right or wrong answer as to what the ratio should be that is offered. I believe that it is solely dependent on what ones o...

7 years ago
RE: Advice for Biomedical Engineering Students

Everyone in this forum keeps stating "get an internship or co-op". For a lot of people trying to break into the field, this is actually a lot more ch...

7 years ago
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