I think that a good strategy could be to select a different coating from the same supplier as a short term solution to reduce sourcing risk while keep...
At my company, we recently updated our design control procedures, and in the updated procedure there was a clause that said that this procedure update...
As tn58 mentioned that there are three types of nonconformances: minor, major, and critical, I would also say that another huge factor that determines...
I agree that small companies would most likely hire an outside contractor to perform an audit if they do not have the resources to do their own intern...
Similar to aij5, I have had quite a bit of experience working on ECO's (my company calls them CCFs (Change Control Form)) for a product that my compan...
I have worked on another project where it failed because of issues that it was having in the field. Our company acquired the product from another smal...
I agree with all the posts above explaining the value of metrics, but I do think there can reach a point where a company can over-track metrics to a p...
Many of the posts above mentioned that often rather than killing a project, it is just placed on hold until circumstances permit it to continue, and I...
From my experience in industry I have seen several product failures, and one of them was particularly interesting. The product was a spinal implant wi...
One of the biggest hurdles my company has overcome in order to drive more innovation was similar to the point Dr. Simon mentioned in his lecture, abou...
I wouldn't necessarily say they are the most important parts of the entire project, but I would agree that these are very important aspects of the exe...
I think those were very good points mentioned by cs22 and msc52njit-edu. Although I do agree that it can be more beneficial in the long run to delay t...
In addition to the factors mentioned by msc52njit-edu that can negatively impact the SV of a project, from my experience working on medical device pro...