One of my CAD projects was modeling a hip stem implant. This one project turned into two different projects. Initial project was to make a 3D hip stem...
I am a project coordinator for the ELA program. The program was initially started to put students with below a 2.5 on a academic probation list and to...
Agree with your input. This takes us back to the importance of GMPs. Yes they may be time consuming and hectic but the people who came up with GMPs di...
I do not agree that they make the process more difficult for companies or set companies up for initial failure. I think they are essential in order to...
I don't have any experience working in the industry. But I will add that each company is different. From my graduate students who worked in the indust...
One example of product risk would be failing of a software used in a product. As an engineer, I would verify and validate the software used in the pro...
Thank you everyone for sharing your response. Glad to hear everyone agrees with my original post. Adding to that, I will definitely agree with jnm22 t...
Agreeing with everyone above, I will add that yes some products do not follow the traditional path. Some products may not cost you a lot during any of...
As Viraj and Luisa gave examples of recalling of products. I will add that companies face a lot of financial troubles when the device is being recalle...
Product Introduction is also very important as it follows after Planning and Development. Some of the key aspects in Product Introduction are reviewin...