
Trusted Member
Joined: Jul 6, 2021
Last seen: Oct 16, 2021
Topics: 14 / Replies: 16
RE: The people we shall encounter in the field

Only certain human differences impact my outlook on another people in the workplace. It’s not looks nor demographic backgrounds. However, what the per...

3 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 848
RE: Discussion Topic: Biomedical Engineering vs. Bioengineering

Bioengineering and biomedical engineering are two important advancements if the field of science and technology. Bioengineering focuses on the applica...

4 years ago
RE: Sucess Factors

I agree that the list of successful factors are some of the most important attributes to project development. First and foremost, the willingness has ...

4 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: The proper time for Project Initiation

Beginning a project is invigorating, yet you should do your due to initiate early to guarantee you get going on the right foot. It’s critical for how ...

4 years ago
RE: Design Review Meetings

During my senior capstone project, this type of situation happened frequently due to the pandemic. My semester was the first to endure the COVID-19 pa...

4 years ago
RE: Projects and Programs

There are several advantage to this arrangement. One benefit is easier management. When you think about the program you can view it as an algorithm an...

4 years ago
RE: Class II Medical Devices

Most medical devices are viewed as Class II devices. Class II devices are those 43% of clinical gadgets that have a moderate risk which general contro...

4 years ago
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