Project Management for Medical Devices Course

Module 1 Course Discussion Forums
Unit 1 Forums - Project Management for Medical Devices
Module 2 Introduction and Getting Started
Unit 1 Introduction to Project Management for Medical Devices
Unit 2 Basic Terms and Detailed Overview
Unit 3 Considerations for Regulatory in Project Management
Unit 4 Considerations for Regulatory in Project Management - Part 2
Unit 5 Regulatory Considerations for Project Management - A Mini-Simulation
Unit 6 Medical Devices in the Context of Project Management
Unit 7 Influence of Organizational Structure and Type on Project Management
Module 3 Project Management Process and Medical Device Development
Unit 1 Project Initiation - The first PM Process
Unit 2 Project Planning - Integration with Design Controls and MDD
Unit 3 Project Planning Part 2 - Planning Tools
Unit 4 Project Planning Part 2 - Tools and Pitfalls
Unit 5 Navigating Medical Device Project Schedule Development: A Mini-Simulation
Unit 6 Project Execution
Unit 7 Project Execution Part 2
Unit 8 Project Monitoring & Controlling
Unit 9 Project Monitoring & Controlling Part 2
Unit 10 Project Closing
Unit 11 Verification Document Examples
Module 4 Project Management Knowledge Areas
Unit 1 Project Management Knowledge Areas - Introduction
Unit 2 Project Management Knowledge Areas - Scope Management
Unit 3 Project Management Knowledge Areas - Time Management
Unit 4 Project Management Knowledge Areas - Cost Management
Unit 5 Project Management Knowledge Areas - Risk Management
Unit 6 Project Management Knowledge Areas - Project Quality Management
Unit 7 Project Management Knowledge Areas - Human Resources Management
Unit 8 Project Management Knowledge Areas - Communications Management
Unit 9 Project Management Knowledge Areas - Procurement Management
Unit 10 Project Management Knowledge Areas in Practice - Procurement Management: A Mini-Simulation
Unit 11 Project Management Knowledge Areas - Integration Management
Module 5 Project Management Application and Example: Clinical Trial for a Medical Device
Unit 1 Project Management Application - Intro to Clinical Trials
Unit 2 Project Management Application - Part 2
Unit 3 Project Management Application - Part 3
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