About Medical Device Courses

With just a few clicks, it is easy to find courses about various aspects of Medical Device Development online.  The real gap in medical device courses, however, is that most or all of them require some prior knowledge to understand.  They may also be heavy on jargon that is never explained.  Where does that leave those who are truly new to the field?

One would think also that people who have earned degrees in medicine and science-related fields are taught this material in school, but they are not.  Most universities cover the basic science and engineering topics necessary to be effective, but they do not often cover real job activities, nor do they explore the various moving parts to developing medical devices.  Someone has to explain it plainly.

Welcome to Medical Device Courses!  The aim here is to create courses that give the basis for understanding higher concepts in medical device development.  Through recorded online webinars, students will come to understand from the beginning what the process of developing medical devices is from different angles.

The instructor, Dr. Josh Simon, has over a decade of experience developing medical devices and seven years of experience teaching the process to others.  His background in both heavy engineering and business is propelled by a talent in explaining difficult concepts to those not in the field.  Over the course of his career so far, Dr. Simon has trained physicians, sales reps, newly onboarded engineers, and many hundreds of graduate Biomedical Engineering students.

If you are new to the field or want to brush up, these courses are exactly what you need.  You may be a physician or graduate student with a great idea that wishes to enroll in a few medical device courses so you can understand what lies ahead of you, or a veteran of another industry who recently entered the field through some accident of employment.  Alternatively, you may be a professor in collaboration with industry and desire to understand the other side of the fence.  Whatever the case, proceed to the medical device courses home page and check out what is available. If you are completely new, we suggest you start with Medical Device Development.

9 thoughts on “About Medical Device Courses

  1. LUkas Recman says:

    I would like to get to know more details about these courses, where are they held?

    1. Josh says:

      They are held online at all times. There is no begin/end date nor location because it is online education.

      1. alex says:

        do you receive a certificate for proof of taking course once it is finished?

        1. Josh says:

          Yes, a PDF certificate is emailed to you upon completion of a course, for each one.

  2. Please let me know if want a partnership to Brazilian market. We are Medical device consultancy company since 2001 at work.

  3. Are the funds in US currency? We require a mailing address for our system can you sent it to us?

    1. Josh says:

      Yes, the funds are in US Currency, but the PayPal interface will convert anything.
      Address sent to your email.

  4. Sil Cyr says:

    I want to get the bundle. I noticed that these courses are also available in U demy in a more expensive way. Is there any way I get the same bundle in the U d emy so that I have access to them anywhere anytime and get certification?
    Is there any overlap in “Design control for Medical devices” Course? It is not included in the bundle.

    1. Josh says:

      1. Both Udemy and the courses here give certificates at the end. Neither Udemy nor the certificates here will count for any kind of academic institution credit. In short, they are the same in both places, just cheaper here because I have more control over them and do not have to give Udemy 50+% of the course fee when you take them here.

      2. No, the bundle is not available on Udemy because instructors on Udemy do not have the kind of control over bundling and offers that I do here on a wholly-owned website.

      3. Yes. All of the content in the Design Controls for Medical Devices course is included in the Medical Device Development course.

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