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Accepting job based on company.

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that's an interesting topic to be brought up, I do believe I would accept or reject a job based on the company and the company reputation even if it means I would struggle to find for a bit, but at the end of the day I wouldn't be okay working for such of company and disregard my ethics and morals. Another point to keep in mind, if the company isn't transparent or abide by rules, there wouldn't be any job security working for this place. 

Posted : 11/10/2020 7:35 pm
Posts: 76
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As a person fresh out of college with little experience, yes I would have accepted the role if there were no other opportunities out there for me. It is very difficult to get a job offer and though absolutely not ideal I would have personally taken the opportunity just to get my foot in the door. Once more established and with more experience, then I would deeply consider the financial health of a company before accepting an offer. This would most likely be at a later point in life where I have more financial responsibilities such as a kids to care for and a mortgage to pay. I would also consider the health of the company if it's somewhere I could see myself working long term. Though the financial health of a company is not something I had considered looking into before, I certainly will add that to the things to consider before accepting a job offer.  

Posted : 11/10/2020 10:08 pm
Posts: 78
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I have never considered this question when applying and interviewing for new opportunities because I was not aware of how it could affect me. After learning about the different types of companies and the potential disadvantages each have, the type of company may weigh in regarding my interest in future opportunities. I cannot say that this will be a “make it or break it” consideration because I do not know how desperately I will need a job at said point in time. At this point in my life, I would like to work for a medium to large size corporation so I can learn the corporate structures and processes. As my career progresses, I may want to shift gears and work for a smaller company such as an LLC where I can provide crucial experience to the operation of the business and earn a larger stake of the company’s earnings.

Posted : 11/10/2020 10:16 pm
Posts: 77
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Personally speaking, I have never really considered the health and financial stabilities of the companies I have applied too. As a student fresh out of college, you aim to just apply and go for what you can. In my own case, most of the companies I have applied too seem to have a good foundation. I think that you must consider a company before accepting a position. If you are comparing a start-up to a major company, you must investigate each for what would be more worth it. In the case of the start-up, it would clearly be riskier. Even when considering two major companies, there are always differences that can make a difference as to which company you would rather work for. Simply put, I think that you should investigate companies before accepting job offers.

Posted : 11/10/2020 10:43 pm
Posts: 46
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After some bad experiences I had, I would say YES! Accepting the job based on the company is crucial. Just because the other company gives you a few amounts of extra money shouldn't be the reason for your decision. In my case, I did exactly that in the past. It was a family-owned company. It was almost impossible to rank up since good spots are reserved for family members, and you must take whatever the family members say to you if you want to keep your job. I am not a person with a huge ego or anything, but I could not keep up with that. I have my self-esteem, too, but I would not let them walk away from this one. So I applied for other jobs, and in the meantime, I did my work to the letter. When the time came for me to leave, I was in a position that controlled almost everything in the engineering department. They just had a huge contract, and there was a deadline for it. You might call this unprofessional, but so what they called other employees and me in front of everyone was too. So I give my resignation and left after starting the contract job which they just got. And as a surprise, they were not able to finish it. More interestingly, after their contract got canceled, the company I started working for got the contract. I felt like it was eternal justice, to be honest. But the conclusion is that the people you work with must come before the money you will receive or things can go bad.

Posted : 12/10/2020 8:30 am
Posts: 60
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Yes. Someone should absolutely consider the type of business when accepting a job. The type of company could have a huge effect on, work-environment, stock options, retirement plans, job opportunities, networking opportunities, and much more.

However, I don't think someone should make a decision solely on the type of company. They need to consider how the type of company fits or doesn't fit with their ideal work environment. This also can widely vary from company to company.


Posted : 15/10/2020 8:16 pm
Posts: 58
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I would, definitely, not turn down a job based on the type of business it is. If they are willing to hire me I would gladly join them. At the end of the day, no matter where you are, experience is huge in your job search. With that being said, its up to you what you put on your resume and who you make your references. If that business that hired me was a sole proprietorship and it goes under and winds up being a bust. I choose if I want that on my resume. Its an experience at the end of the day. The only thing is with these bigger businesses (Incs. LLCs) is that the employee is just a number as opposed to a smaller business where you know who's in charge and they know you in a sense.  

Posted : 18/10/2020 2:01 pm
Posts: 54
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As a graduate student at this point, I would say that I cannot turn down an opportunity for a job based on the company. Recent graduate students may not have the chance to decide between the companies immediately after graduation. I would definitely take the job offered. But if this is the case after a few years, I will have the experience to understand the corporate world which helps me to do research on the companies and check the mentioned factors. Internships and co-op's makes this process easier with exposure to the corporate work environment.

Posted : 06/11/2020 12:22 pm
Posts: 42
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Posted by: @sahitya-sadineni

After watching the videos from this week's lecture, we have learned about the various company types. While thinking about this, would you consider turning down a position based on the type of company it is? For me and usually most people, they would do some research on company even before applying. But some people also look at the company's financial history, revenue, stability, stock price (if applicable) and reputation. I honestly have never looked deep enough to understand the risk behind accepting a position in an Limited Liability Company vs Corporation vs Sole Proprietorship vs partnership.

Some are interested to look at this information to see how financially healthy a potential employer is, and therefore how long you might have a job. It can tell you about pay raises, bonuses and getting a higher position.

I am interested to learn more about your own personal opinions, would you turn down a job in a company based on its type and 

Posted : 08/11/2020 1:43 pm
Posts: 42
Eminent Member

I personally won't accept job based on company . I want to get my feet wet first . But they are few stuffs to consider. I want to be certain about my decision yo accept the job offer, take time to check the contract. I will think about alternatives and show gratitude

Posted : 08/11/2020 1:45 pm
Posts: 50
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Posted by: @sahitya-sadineni

After watching the videos from this week's lecture, we have learned about the various company types. While thinking about this, would you consider turning down a position based on the type of company it is? For me and usually most people, they would do some research on company even before applying. But some people also look at the company's financial history, revenue, stability, stock price (if applicable) and reputation. I honestly have never looked deep enough to understand the risk behind accepting a position in an Limited Liability Company vs Corporation vs Sole Proprietorship vs partnership.

Some are interested to look at this information to see how financially healthy a potential employer is, and therefore how long you might have a job. It can tell you about pay raises, bonuses and getting a higher position.

I am interested to learn more about your own personal opinions, would you turn down a job in a company based on its type and why?

I also hav never looked at a company's financial history, but I have done my small share of research prior to applying for a position. My background is in education.  If the school or district and their reputation is not familiar to me, I ask people who know about the district because their word can give more information than what I could ever find online.  Mostly, that type of information will never be found online.  I also go to the school's state report card to see the demographics of the school as it relates to employees and the students.  I check these things to see if I would even want to apply.  Whether in education or some other industry, I can definitely see the usefulness in doing preliminary research prior to submission of an application. 

I would definitely reject a job based on the type of company it is.  That is the point of conducting research.  Every person should do this to determine overall interest in a company.  Better to drop the company prior employment than to get hired and quit later after ignoring the handwriting on the wall.

Posted : 24/05/2021 8:41 pm
Posts: 45
Eminent Member

Yes, I would turn down a job based on its type. The two main criteria I would base my decision on are the financial history and the company's reputation. The two factors are important because the financial history will allow me to see past trends and possible predict future trends while the reputation will speak for itself. This could affect my salary and maybe my time with the company. With the reputation, I will have one of my own to uphold and if it doesn't align with the company's, I wouldn't want to work in an environment that isn't conducive to my work ethic.  

Posted : 25/05/2021 5:11 pm
Posts: 50
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This is a great question, in the past prior to graduate school this was something that I have gave minimum consideration, literally I would base my opinion on if the name or what I “thought” the company stood for, was did I know of the organization from general knowledge and what I could loose find on the internet. Now that I am in the process of completing a more elite degree, I am more critical of the job-hunting process to include the public information of the company. Actually yes, I have done a quick information dive into companies that I apply to that if offered a position I would make a career with. For example, Nano String is a fairly new biotechnology company but they are establishing themselves and build the value as a company with stocks, you can purchase the company’s stock at $ 51.94, I’m sure that the price may move to the left or right by the time someone reads this post. My point being, if it is a place that you want to invest your name in an possibly make a career with, it is worth the effort to know “who” you are investing your talents in.

Posted : 27/05/2021 12:43 am
Posts: 50
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Posted by: @sahitya-sadineni

After watching the videos from this week's lecture, we have learned about the various company types. While thinking about this, would you consider turning down a position based on the type of company it is? For me and usually most people, they would do some research on company even before applying. But some people also look at the company's financial history, revenue, stability, stock price (if applicable) and reputation. I honestly have never looked deep enough to understand the risk behind accepting a position in an Limited Liability Company vs Corporation vs Sole Proprietorship vs partnership.

Some are interested to look at this information to see how financially healthy a potential employer is, and therefore how long you might have a job. It can tell you about pay raises, bonuses and getting a higher position.

I am interested to learn more about your own personal opinions, would you turn down a job in a company based on its type and why?

Honestly I think you've made a good point. I had not, until this week, thought of what the repercussions would be in accepting an appointment in the various company types either.  However, in the future, I will look at how financially healthy a company may be before accepting an offer. Also, whether that company is at a point where they have been thinking of selling to a larger company or a merger.  These types of actions almost always heavily affects the workers where the boards get a good deal.

Posted : 29/05/2021 7:00 pm
Posts: 50
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This is a great question. Me personally being fresh out of college, after completing my undergrad I would not turn down a job based on label of the company. I believe that at the entry level all jobs should be an option, because it can be a learning experience for most. However, as I continue in my profession I do plan to chose wisely between which jobs I accept. Most people begin there careers around the age of 30 years old. Therefore whatever job I chose around this age I plan to stay there until I retire. Therefore the companies financial history and reputation is important to me.

Posted : 30/05/2021 11:54 am
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