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Discussion Topic: Course conclusion and impressions

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Posts: 42
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I really like this course, it gives you good industrial insights on a structural manner. I think this course help me to Identify the suitable job profile, now I clearly know I am not a academia person and I am definitely going to the industry after I graduate. In my opinion this course teaches you how to apply the things you have learned in other courses, it bridges the gap between the industry and academia. The one think I would like t suggest that the projects should be assigned to students at least 2 months in advance.

Posted : 03/12/2017 1:45 pm
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

Dr. Simon

I really learn so many things in this course. Before the class, I know so little about the whole process of the project, just do what I asked to do. After the class, overall the whole project, I realize what part I am in and the exact work that I should do. The timeline is the most important for the whole project. Be punctual is necessary. And after understand other parts of the project, I think that I can develop myself to do more things.


Posted : 03/12/2017 1:56 pm
Posts: 43
Eminent Member

I enjoy the course and learn a lot. Although, I have some experience in medical device industry but this class has expand my knowledge and have me thinking of other profession in the field in can go in. The lectures are clear and very well explained. Discussion in forum is a very good idea, you get chance to express your thoughts on a particular topic. Overall i enjoy the class.

Posted : 03/12/2017 2:44 pm
Posts: 113
Estimable Member

This course was very beneficial in learning about the different design controls, business and regulatory aspects of the medical device industry. I previously took your project management course and preferred that structure of the course over the medical device course. The simulations helped instill the lessons taught within a certain time frame and introduce the concept of team work throughout the entire semester. The final project at the end of this course is weighted heavily on one’s academic standing within the course. Which can result in a loss of focus throughout the semester until the very end. The material is worthwhile in learning and understanding but I do prefer the course structure from your project management course. Overall, I am glad to have enrolled within your course, it helped me understand my work environment a lot more.

Posted : 03/12/2017 2:46 pm
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

I think this class is truly an eye opener because the materials that were covered here weren't really discussed in the undergraduate level; there were mentions here and there but never really discussed thoroughly. This class has shown me another aspect of device development, outside of R&D and theory; which also showed me more career options within the industry. Also, the discussion forum is really helpful because I get a lot of insights from professionals working in the industry who has more knowledge of things going on. All in all, this class adds value to ones knowledge about the industry which is really helpful for newly grads.

Posted : 03/12/2017 4:52 pm
Posts: 58
Trusted Member

I think this course was very relevant and valuable. I currently work for a medical device company, so it was cool to see how things I do in practice aligns with regulation and applies to general concepts. I didn’t have the opportunity to Co Op during my undergraduate career, so I had no idea what the corporate word would be like for medical devices. I wish I took a course like this before entering the work force but I also learned more about the responsibilities of other departments. Of all the course material, I am more interested in pre-clinical studies and I think I will need to be involved with pre-clinical activities to fully understand the process.

Posted : 03/12/2017 5:15 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Initially, I imagined this course would be about the considerations put into each medical device and the creation of devices and was not expecting a course on the industry itself. However, the course has been extremely helpful and I came out learning a lot more about the industry than I had ever imagined I would while still in academia. This course is very practical and to the point and I appreciate those aspects of it.

Posted : 03/12/2017 5:39 pm
Posts: 61
Trusted Member

This is my second course with you, Dr. Simon. I previously took your Project Management for Medical Devices course. This course was good, but I felt the project management course was superior in content, delivery, and structure. While there is a good amount of overlap in the contents of both courses, the project management course used mini-simulations and group projects to help reinforce the topics throughout the semester in a way that was lacking in this course. I really enjoyed the project management course from a pacing perspective, and in the way in which it allowed for more team work from an earlier point in the course. Additionally, the project management course also had a midterm, which allowed for a better distribution of points. This course feels a bit to back loaded with 90% of the course points available in the final month or so, leaving something to be desired from a pacing and point distribution perspective. Other than some of the logistics, this course was worthwhile.

Posted : 03/12/2017 5:45 pm
Posts: 59
Trusted Member

This course was probably the most informative, helpful, realistic course I have taken in the NJIT BME department. I have gone on several interviews the past semester, since the start of the course, and there has not been one interview that I have not used at least one topic discussed in this course during the interview. OF course, the weekly posting gets a little annoying at times, but it forces you to actually watch the slide shows that you provide. I also like reading the posts from people in the class that do have industry experiences, always a great way to see what I may experience one day.

Posted : 03/12/2017 6:02 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

I think I am very lucky to take this course before I graduate. I always hope that I can learn some information about medical device company before finding job since Lack of knowledge in the industry always make me nervous. After I take this course, I learned that working in the medical device company, just like what I thought before, is complicated, but I do not fear about this anymore because i learned many things like FDA regulation and project management. I really enjoyed this course and the knowledge I learned from the course will be very useful in my future job.

Posted : 04/12/2017 9:59 am
Posts: 46
Eminent Member

The best thing about this course is that it gives us (students) the practical feeling and more understanding about the industry and how it works. Rather than other courses, it gives us opportunity to work in a team and how to cope/deal with other people of different department. It also teaches to maintain the patience in order to work with them. Which is very important and one of the main virtue to work in the industry.

Posted : 10/12/2017 4:02 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Dr Simon,

I enjoyed this course pretty thoroughly. It is refreshingly different from most courses at NJIT in the sense that it gives information about how the world actually works, not how a concept works in an ideal situation. It has opened my eyes to the various roles of engineers in a company and definitely has helped identify roles that sound boring and roles I would consider. From this course, I was able to extract more meaningful questions to ask at interviews which has helped tremendously. I would like to see a greater depth of information into each department's roles and what a "day in the life" would be. Perhaps some anecdotal stories from workers at your company would help? That will make the course more helpful to future students taking it. Overall it is a valuable course for someone who wants to learn how engineering works outside of a university. Thank you.

Posted : 26/11/2018 6:01 am
Posts: 82
Trusted Member

Dr. Simon,

Wow ... the semester is already almost over ... I really enjoyed this course. I didn't know about all of the roles that I could have gone into utilizing a BME degree, and I would rather change my current career path based on this information. I enjoyed getting practical information about the Medical Device Field. I am also planning on taking the other courses you are teaching in order to receive more experience & possibly acquire the Biomedical Device Development Certificate offered by the university. I don't really see much improvement needed since this course is just a high-level overview of the entire process. If you wanted to include excerpts from people you know that work in each area, I think that would be a nice addition.

As a whole, I feel this is a pretty solid course.

Posted : 26/11/2018 10:18 am
Posts: 78
Trusted Member

This course has been extremely helpful in teaching me the background knowledge and divisions of medical device development. I learned about what division I would enjoy the most working in and what divisions such as Regulatory I would not enjoy working on in the future. By learning the basic steps of how a product gets developed I have a better understanding of what is going on at work, what progressions can we see, how much time a project will take, and what is required of you in your position at that time. I would like to learn more about learning specific regulations that are commonly used at work, how they apply and when to look out for them. I would also like to learn more about the legality behind medical device development. Overall I really enjoyed this course, and would highly recommend it to all students in the biomedical engineering field before going into work.

Posted : 26/11/2018 1:12 pm
Posts: 79
Trusted Member

This course has been really useful, and I know I'll be looking back at these forums and documents in the future. The information is well rounded. I wish we could have gone a little more in-depth but with the amount of time and the knowledge of an advanced class that does so I can't complain. I'm still not entirely sure which aspect of BME I'd like to work in, but this has given me a better idea. I especially appreciate the business application, which we've rarely seen in other classes. Knowing the science is great, but you still need to be able to apply it in an academic/industry setting. I'll be taking another of your classes and hope I get as much out of it as I did this.

Posted : 28/11/2018 10:52 am
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