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Minutes for meetings

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I believe that meeting minutes is essential to the production process. Not only does it keep a detailed account of what one has to do, it also aids others in not repeating the same mistakes. It can also help those that we not able to attend the meeting for whichever reason so that they would be able to keep up with their department's progression towards completion.

Posted : 14/12/2022 9:34 am
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

I personally believe that minutes are a very important aspect of design and development of devices. Minutes provide an organized overview of meetings, along with any changes in the device. Any input provided by different departments during meetings are also recorded in the minutes. Having the minutes allows team members to go back and review what was taken place during meetings. 

Posted : 14/12/2022 10:25 pm
Posts: 27
Eminent Member

In my profession as a journalist, I report on many meetings where taking minutes were important and essential. It allows for companies and official bodies to keep track of decision making and ideas that may be brought up. I would definitely say that keeping minutes during meetings is not only important for the people who are leading the meeting, but it is important to monitor changes in plans or even to track the project as it progresses. The team is not only able to keep up with the project, but it is able to understand what decisions need to be made to further the development of the project up until its overall completion.  

Posted : 02/04/2023 5:39 pm
Posts: 27
Eminent Member

Meeting minutes are an important part of the design control process. There should be an assigned person to take meeting minutes for every meeting, and that person should send the minutes to everyone who attended and missed the meeting. To take it a step further, meetings could also be recorded (video and/or voice) to ensure nothing was missed during the meeting. 

Posted : 04/04/2023 2:42 pm
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

Meeting minutes have always been relevant in my line of work. We dont necessarily generate meeting minutes, but we produce action items in response to the meeting. It is very typical for us to have both the meeting minutes and action items on one report. Theses type of reports have been crucial in my communications with colleagues and clients. They are able to help me remember key points from interactions and are used as a historian to be later referenced.  

Posted : 06/04/2023 9:25 pm
Posts: 25
Eminent Member
As a person who sits in many different meetings, meetings for minutes are super important!  Meeting minutes are the ability to have reference to what was done during a meeting at a specific time period time is very important especially coming up with devices that can evolve into saving money's lives because time is something we can't get back. They contain deliverables for every meeting so nothing is missed and can be referred back to. They are an important part for the design change process for medical equipment and does assist in the development across the project for everyone. It is a reference to look back to and to understand what was going on at different points in the meeting so that the project can be moving forward in a timely manner.
Posted : 07/04/2023 4:02 pm
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Meetings have never been important to me until recently. I have always wondered why minutes were taken because I believed that the attendees of the meeting should always notate the important information from a meeting for themselves. But I have soon come to find out that minutes are used for more than just one person’s remembrance, and are more important than they may seem. In meetings that I have currently, the minutes are updated every meeting in detail, way more detail than I could have ever made. It is also filled with project deadlines, updates, and the information of other people’s project status as well. This is useful for me and my team if we switch to another project, because now we know the status of that project, or if our project relies on another persons part, the minutes can easily be checked for a quick brush up on the topic

Posted : 08/04/2023 10:53 am
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

Similar to Roberto I would usually overlook the importance of meeting minutes. As anything that was important in the meeting would either be rememberable or used in everyday work. However, I remember back when I worked as a case manager for the disabled population, I brought to attention that the workload was becoming unrealistic as their were cases that I couldn’t get in contact with. In addition to the additional cases that came in each month. Further down the line a supervisor tried to enact disciplinary action due to the failure of me contacting clients. However, I was able to find the meeting minutes from months ago the written in detail the cases that I haven’t been able to contact. Long story short I was able to keep my job until I quit on my own terms. 

Posted : 08/04/2023 2:50 pm
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

For the medical device company, I work with I do not recall going over meeting minutes. Nor did I think about how important it is to provide that specific information. Meeting minutes are important because it gives assurance that the team has had the opportunity to go over important aspects for the project.

Posted : 08/04/2023 7:20 pm
Posts: 73
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Meeting minutes are very important, because it's hard to remember every single little detail. And, you don't wan to have another meeting to figure out what was missed. It is also a better habit to develop documenting and taking good notes during meetings. This will serve you well in the workforce. The workforce is not a very forgiving environment. 

Posted : 29/10/2023 4:50 pm
Posts: 78
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It's great that you've started to recognize the significance of taking minutes in team meetings. Meeting minutes might appear as a routine administrative task, but they play a crucial role in documenting and preserving the discussions, decisions, and actions taken during meetings. They serve as a valuable reference point for participants, helping to ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding what transpired. More importantly, well-maintained minutes provide a written record of commitments made and action items assigned, which is instrumental for accountability and follow-through.

In my experience, there have been instances where referring back to meeting minutes has been a lifesaver. It's not uncommon for details to get fuzzy or for participants to forget who was responsible for a particular task. Having a clear, documented record can help resolve disagreements or misunderstandings and can even prevent potential issues or conflicts. So, it's worth giving meeting minutes the attention they deserve, as they can be a valuable resource for keeping everyone informed and organized, as well as a useful tool for problem-solving and decision-making.

Posted : 05/11/2023 12:01 pm
Posts: 75
Estimable Member

I agree that meeting minutes are important and that people usually don't pay as much attention as they should to them. I also think meeting minutes are more important to those who were unable to attend the meeting. Meeting minutes are usually very thorough and if someone is unable to attend they will at least have information on what was discussed any important deadlines.

Posted : 05/11/2023 12:42 pm
Posts: 69
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The most important part of meeting minutes is that they lay out deliverables for each team member and when those deliverables are supposed to be accomplished. Especially in a project with a lot of moving parts, it is important to state both who is performing certain tasks clearly and when these tasks are expected to be accomplished. By using meeting minutes, this information can be passed on to the entire team. Meeting minutes are also important because they enhance team communication, resulting in a more efficient project team. For instance, if you know that a certain team member is working on a specific deliverable as laid out by the meeting minutes, then all questions can be directed to that specific team member. This helps to avoid confusion regarding roles/responsibilities and results in a much more efficient manner of communication.

Posted : 05/11/2023 10:06 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Meeting minutes are an essential tool for effective team communication, serving as a detailed record that enhances accountability, provides clarity, ensures continuity, and meets legal requirements. They not only capture decisions and assignments, fostering accountability, but also act as a reference point for clarifying misunderstandings and connecting past discussions with present actions. Encouraging note-taking can promote active listening and engagement among all participants, while a designated minute-taker ensures consistency. In many professional scenarios, minutes have proven invaluable for resolving disputes and reinforcing commitments, underlining their role as a cornerstone of organizational memory and a catalyst for sustained productivity.

Posted : 06/11/2023 10:00 pm
Posts: 77
Trusted Member

Minutes for meetings are crucial as they allow for team members to be aligned on what was discussed throughout the meeting. This can be helpful in ensuring that team members are aware of what tasks need to be completed as well as establishing when the task should be completed by. Having this documentation is a way to prevent from team members forgetting to complete the task or claiming that the task was not discussed. Additionally, if testing is the task that needs to be completed, the minutes may show the test design. For example, for a test that requires Instron testing on syringes, the minutes may lay out different test parameters such as the sample size. Additionally, the minutes can help fill in a team member who was not able to attend to meeting through summarizing what occurred during the meeting as well as the next steps. Meeting minutes can also help for future projects as they can help project teams refer to see how tasks were completed in the past, which they can use as a template. 

Posted : 07/11/2023 11:49 pm
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