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Minutes for meetings

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If you asked me before working for corporate I would probably say meeting minutes are just repetitive and there is no point for them if you already attended the meeting. However, they play such a big role in referencing certain decisions that were made at any point in time. a team member could also go back to meeting minutes to get a better understanding of a certain topic that was discussed. 

Posted : 01/11/2020 10:23 pm
Posts: 77
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Personally speaking, I never understood the importance of keeping meeting minutes until I started working in larger, more complex groups where many tasks needed to be completed. Meeting notes are great for having documentation that can be referred too if necessary. For example, I am currently working on my master’s project and I record minutes during meetings to have documentation. This can be used to track my progress over time. With design, recording meeting minutes is imperative. In my capstone class, we had many design meetings where a lot of different design aspects were typically discussed and altered. All the changes that were requested could not always be made during the meeting, so having meeting notes to refer to were always helpful. Overall, I personally believe that although at times it seems pointless, recording minutes from meetings is actually very important.

Posted : 01/11/2020 10:29 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Meeting minutes are crucial for assigning tasks and for each person to know what their task is if it is unclear. Also, meeting minutes give information on deadlines and what actions should be taken at each step of the way. Meeting minutes break down the roles of each person and lists the attendees and the decisions that need to be taken. They really do play an important role in design control to have the team come together and give or announce updates on the project.

Posted : 01/11/2020 11:33 pm
Posts: 78
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Most of us have attended a meeting madly scribbling what we thought were meeting minutes only to find out later that we’ve missed important information of that the notes we took were never used. Minutes that capture the purpose of the meeting and its agreed outcomes are a record that can be referred back to and can be used for follow-up purposes. Effective meeting minutes are clear and to the point, but at the same time, they do not leave out important information.

Posted : 04/11/2020 5:29 pm
Posts: 79
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Meeting minutes are especially important for those working on multiple projects, since each project has its own set of tasks and someone may easily confuse or forget those tasks. It also helps the team stay organized, which is important for productivity. I particularly like that in the meeting minutes, I can see all the tasks of everyone else in the team, so that I have a good sense of what others are working on. This also helps balance the workload of the team, since the assignments of each individual are clear. In academia, meeting minutes are not as widely practiced as in industry, however, the same idea of effective note-taking is practiced. This is evident in the importance of keeping lab journals and writing down all experiments or future experiments to perform. Overall, I think note-taking skills are critical to staying organized and productive, whether in academia or in industry.

Posted : 07/11/2020 1:26 pm
Posts: 46
Eminent Member
Posted by: @rgp29

Hello everyone,

I have noticed how Dr. Simon keeps pointing out to importance of taking minutes in all the meeting of the team. I never really thought of how important they are. Before this, when I was in meetings and the minutes were sent to my email afterwards, I would quickly read the minutes but with not much attention as they should get. In this post I would like to discuss its importance. Probably some of you have had experiences where the minutes have got you out of trouble.

Thank you

Roberto Pineda.

I personally had a checklist for my meetings. In the checklist, I mainly controlled for some major topics. This checklist is, of course, gets to be customized according to the nature of the meeting. What I do is I try to answer all the questions in the checklist to make sure I get everything right. Some of my peers recorded the meeting rather than taking notes, but I believe that is a big drag. So personally, I believe taking minutes in the meetings is really important. Still, I believe there should be a premade concept or a checklist like mine to be used within that meetings, so while you try to take minutes, you won't miss an important part of the meeting.

Posted : 08/11/2020 11:44 am
Posts: 42
Eminent Member
Posted by: @rgp29

Hello everyone,

I have noticed how Dr. Simon keeps pointing out to importance of taking minutes in all the meeting of the team. I never really thought of how important they are. Before this, when I was in meetings and the minutes were sent to my email afterwards, I would quickly read the minutes but with not much attention as they should get. In this post I would like to discuss its importance. Probably some of you have had experiences where the minutes have got you out of trouble.

Thank you

Roberto Pineda.

The minutes for meetings very important moment during decision making. It’s important that the right person take notes because the note-taker must be able to quickly determine which information is pertinent, and what can be left out. This article provides some tips on taking effective minutes and a template for easy and thorough note-taking.


Posted : 08/11/2020 1:36 pm
Posts: 54
Trusted Member

I have not been in any kind of company meetings as I am not working right now but last week I was in a meeting with the project group of Medical Device Development. The project manager has sent out the meeting minutes later which contained brief information about the meeting. It has all the information regarding the previous meeting with the group which would be helpful at any point in time during the project to see what is happening in the project. I think this might help any new person joining the project later to get to know the information about the development of the project. It also keeps track of everyone with their work and the points discussed which may be used in the future. Meeting minutes might not look as important as the other aspects but it definitely has its part in the project.

Posted : 08/11/2020 9:24 pm
Posts: 18
Active Member

Minutes for meetings are extremely important. It helps to make sure the agenda of the meeting is completed within a certain time. Also, documenting these minutes is also useful when there is an inspection regarding the project. It helps to decide the plan of action regarding the next stage in the project. Also, it makes all the members aware of the individual tasks they need to do further in the project. Its a good reminder if someone forgets the task so that he/she would get back to the task and complete it.

Posted : 08/11/2020 10:17 pm
Posts: 38
Eminent Member

Dr.Simon’s stress on the importance of meeting minutes is for good reason. To begin, meeting minutes are an all encompassing record of what took place during the meeting. This can include the date and time of the meeting, who attended, what was discussed, action items, deadlines etc. Meeting minutes are also helpful when used as a reference to any thing that happened during the meting, or even a review to those that might not have been able to attend. Sometimes in reoccurring meetings, the minutes from the previous meeting will be presented to be updated and utilized as a tool to make progress and gather updates. Usually, the person organizing the meeting will be the one to record the minutes to be later sent out to the team. Without meeting minutes, there would be no official record and individuals would have to go off purely their notes.

Posted : 08/11/2020 11:33 pm
Posts: 58
Trusted Member

So I do not have much experience with meetings and meeting minutes so I can only speak theoretically. I can definitely see why documenting meeting minutes would be important. There are instances where some people may not think you are pulling your weight or people will think that you are approaching the project incorrectly. To that you can refer to the meeting minutes, while they don't show your participation in the meeting, it will show that you were present during the talks of the project and were listening and observing how things should be done and where everyone should be at. 

Posted : 08/11/2020 11:39 pm
Posts: 40
Eminent Member

Although I am somebody who has the habit of making notes proactively during a meeting, I think meeting minutes are important just so I can cross-check in case there's something I have missed out on. They capture the essential information of a meeting, especially the decisions and assigned actions. They keep attendees on track by reminding them of their role in a project and clearly define what happened in a group session.  Meeting minutes can also help refresh all details discussed if you are having difficulties recalling some requirements that need to be met on the agenda. This also plays as a foundation to build on for your next meeting with your team. You can use the meeting minutes from the previous week to understand what aspects of the project are falling behind and needs more work. It helps keep your team moving to reach the ultimate goal. 

Posted : 09/11/2020 2:26 am
Posts: 45
Eminent Member

Yes, after sitting on an executive board in undergrad and taking the minutes as secretary, I understand firsthand how important minutes are and why they are this important. The minutes are taken for various reasons, like being a good point of reference and organization. As I was typing the minutes for the meetings, I would be sure to add as much detail as possible so that my colleagues could have a vivid picture of what occurred, whether they were there and forgot and were not there and need to be informed. Minutes can also serve as a great document that proves certain things happened. I compare this portion to science because if it is not recorded, it didn't happen! 

Posted : 07/06/2021 7:36 pm
Posts: 48
Eminent Member
Posted by: @rgp29

Hello everyone,

I have noticed how Dr. Simon keeps pointing out to importance of taking minutes in all the meeting of the team. I never really thought of how important they are. Before this, when I was in meetings and the minutes were sent to my email afterwards, I would quickly read the minutes but with not much attention as they should get. In this post I would like to discuss its importance. Probably some of you have had experiences where the minutes have got you out of trouble.

Thank you

Roberto Pineda.

I have to agree with you and Dr. Simon that keeping the minutes of a meeting is a crucial aspect of managing a project team correctly. It allows the participants to remember the meeting more quickly than if they had met with out recording anything. Also, if people did forget they have no excuse to disregard anything needed to be productive because a summary of past meetings would be available to them. In my opinion, recording minutes is just another vital part of a strong project team. 

Posted : 08/06/2021 11:36 am
Posts: 51
Trusted Member
Posted by: @rgp29

Hello everyone,

I have noticed how Dr. Simon keeps pointing out to importance of taking minutes in all the meeting of the team. I never really thought of how important they are. Before this, when I was in meetings and the minutes were sent to my email afterwards, I would quickly read the minutes but with not much attention as they should get. In this post I would like to discuss its importance. Probably some of you have had experiences where the minutes have got you out of trouble.

Thank you

Roberto Pineda.

Hi Roberto, 


I think meeting mins are very valuable, especially for groups or organizations that don't meet on a weekly basis. Mins also allow for members of a group to get a gist of the meeting without having to review a whole recording. I currently sit on the curriculum review board for my university as a student representative and Im really thankful for the meeting mins because I can not always make the meetings since they are in the middle of my workday. Im able to see the changes that were voted on and also see the new business ahead of time so I can catch up and be attentive for the current meeting. 

Posted : 08/06/2021 6:17 pm
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