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Ideal project team

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It depends on how many individuals are required for the project and what kind of project it is for a project team. I'd like people who can convey what they're doing and whether they have any problems, as well as people who are open to multiple ideas, for a project that takes a lot of teamwork. Those individuals would collaborate with others with an open mind and listen to the entire group before making a decision. People who refuse to listen to others or who are stuck in their own perspectives will refuse to change their ways, causing the entire group to struggle. I'd also like hardworking employees who would put in the time and effort to do their best on the project rather than having to go back and fix mistakes. Other relevant skills, such as marketing, research, CAD/lab work (if necessary), and so on, may be required depending on the project. Those who are aware of their responsibilities and ready to put in long hours, as well as those with prior experience in the field, will be required. It's still important to have people who can think things through and respond properly.

Posted : 20/03/2021 8:34 pm
Posts: 42
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One of the most important undertakings of a project manager is securing the right team members. This could be a difficult task because a candidate with the most experience and the preferred educational background may not possess the emotional intelligence needed for the team to succeed. Regardless of the industry, the ideal project team would have substantial emotional intelligence, more so now than ever, with employees putting more emphasis on a balanced work and home life abandoning the traditional 9-5 work structure for greater schedule flexibility, virtual company culture, and prioritizing mental health.

Posted : 03/07/2021 8:21 pm
Posts: 50
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Posted by: @rgp29

Hello everyone.
Project managers need to be effective in a lot of ways. For example, you need to finish the project on time and the quality of the product need to be outstanding. However, they don’t do it alone. They need a team in order to do a good job. I believe that the team needs to have very good communication skills and they need to be responsible in the sense that they finish everything on time. I know that sometimes the way teams vary depending on the project to be done. For example if you are creating an electrical device you will need more people with understanding of electronics rather than biomechanics or tissue engineering. However, in the industry a lot of teams stay together for long times because they already know how to work thing out together. So my question for you is the following: What skills would you mainly prefer if you had to choose a project team?
Roberto Pineda.

The Skills I would mainly prefer if I had to choose a project team would be a team that listens to understand instead of listening to respond. I feel like this is the most important because when people are just talking and not listening it can create a disconnect. When someone is explaining how they feel or think you should never downplay it, listen, and understand. If you don't agree you can agree to disagree respectfully. Second I would say the encouraging/supportive team. Having people supporting you and your ideas goes a long way. even if something can be altered I appreciate the support because it takes a lot for people to express themselves. And lastly a team player. This is important because some people want to be the lead and get all the attention when it should be focused on everyone. Being a team player can help build connections with others can go beyond your beliefs. People remember how you treated them and can mention your name in rooms you would never imagine. 

Posted : 05/07/2021 9:32 am
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

The skills that I need for my team to be successful and project ready is that they must be excellent communicators, highly organized, a strong ability to read people; creating a vision and looking to inspire and be inspired by others. Accurate estimating skills on their tasks to make sure project is flowing smoothly, and being self assured; need a team that can firmly stand their ground when faced with opposition.

Posted : 06/07/2021 9:58 am
Posts: 45
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If I was a project manager, I would have a team that focused on key skillset that would increase the efficiency of my team. In any field, I think there should already be key non negotiables that the business look for when hiring employees, for instance, there is a certain personality that chick -fil-a hires. That is one of their non-negotiables. So with a good company foundation, I would look for those who are fast thinkers, genuine and reliable. I feel when it comes to teamwork you would want a team that can be fluid when it comes to complex problems.

Posted : 07/07/2021 5:18 pm
Posts: 52
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I completely agree with your views on the composition of an ideal team. Having a technical expert with formal education is indeed essential, as it provides the team with a strong foundation of technical knowledge. The presence of someone who is well-versed in industry regulations is also crucial as it helps ensure that the team stays compliant with industry standards. Furthermore, having someone who is an expert in the industry jargon and contacts is indeed important for the success of any project. Being able to effectively communicate and network with other industry players can make all the difference in getting the project off the ground and ensuring its continued success. As the project manager, you are in the perfect position to bring all these skills together and lead the team toward success.

Posted : 12/02/2023 8:19 pm
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

As stated by a few of the previous participants, generally, in this situation, I think the most useful skills would depend on the project you have been assigned. However, there are some skills that are useful regardless of what your project is. For example, I think that communication is a staple skill that any group should find useful. Good communication assures that each part of a project is done in a quick and efficient manner, reduces confusion and mistakes, and can make the difference between a project going well or failing. Another useful skill I would prefer to have on my team is time management. I am sure I am not alone when I say that having to rush to complete a project the night before the deadline does not always produce the most desirable results. These are all very important skills that I believe can be utilized in any project.

Posted : 13/02/2023 5:52 pm
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

When selecting a project team, both technical and interpersonal skills should be considered depending on the task at hand. To start, does the person being looked at contain the necessary skills that will contribute to the teams success. I believe that if the person does not demonstrate the correct skills they will not be the best asset to the team. Next, I would want someone who is good at communication and collaboration. Connecting with your team members is the most important aspect in my opinion to a teams success. If the person has good communication skills it will help the team as a whole. Not only that, but a team member should be adaptable and good at problem solving. At any moment something can go wrong and I want people who will be able to adapt and be calm in situations of adversity. Finally, I want people to be leaders. If I could get a team who are all great leaders they will be able to strive for the highest goal efficiently. These attributes in my opinion are crucial for the success of any team and are what I am looking for in my project team. 


Garrett Muscatella

Posted : 20/01/2024 6:39 pm
Posts: 74
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After skimming through a couple replies, everyone makes a very good portrayal of the team a project manager should look to assemble in order to foster success in the future. As a project manager, factors to consider when selecting a project team should include compatibility, availability, diversity, motivation, attitude, and experience. If I were a project manager and was tasked with assembling a team, the first step I would take would be selecting a leader. Successful project management requires strong leadership skills on behalf of the manager over seeing the project. This is because leadership can help make all of the disparate parts of a project team come together and work as a unit to get things done. Another important attribute I would be in search for would be good communication skills. Communication skills go hand-in-hand with a strong leader. It is impossible to be an effective team if the projects goals and needs are unable to articulated. Lastly, I would prefer people who are passionate about what they do. Without motivation and determination, employees will not want to unite for a common goal.

Posted : 21/01/2024 8:55 pm
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