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Project Management Skills for Engineers

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Prior to this class I wasn't aware how interesting project management was and that it may be a field that might actually interest me. So I decided to look further into what skills a Engineering Project Manager should posses. 


Although projects have a definite beginning and end, projects can last months or even years. Therefore project managers should have the ability to manage projects throughout the complete lifecycle. 

While managing projects, PM have to set the pace for tasks; scheduling and organizing while ensuring time is being used adequately. As tasks are completed PM should facilitate a smooth transition onto the next task or phase. 

Although ensuring that tasks and projects are completed in a timely and efficient manner it is important that PM interact with several individuals that have different roles within a task or project, while insuring the customer or client is satisfied throughout the entire process. 

In summary, skills that successful PM should posses are leadership, organization skills, analytical thinking, and problem solving skills.


Project Management Skills for Engineer Managers. Ohio University. (2021, May 11). Retrieved January 18, 2023, from

Posted : 18/01/2023 11:07 am
Posts: 78
Trusted Member

Just to add to your point, I think some additional project management skills that are vital to being a successful project manager are communication skills and listening skills. These additional skills could be considered the foundation of being a good leader, which has been stated as necessary for a successful project manager. The ability to convey information effectively to team members and others involved in a project is important in mitigating problems that can arise from any miscommunications or misinterpretations. In addition, as important as it is for a project manager to have the ability to communicate, it is just as important to have the ability to listen to team members. The ability to listen to team members help's build team value and shows that their input is important. In the end, a project manager needs many skills to help them be successful, what are some that may not have been said yet?

Posted : 22/01/2023 12:03 pm
Posts: 70
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I like this post @jj52 as it encompasses what is expected of a project manager and how they need to operate when working on projects. I also like how @kaf43 added to the discussion that a successful project manager needs to communication and listening skills as these qualities are what it takes for a leader to be effective. Furthermore, I think that the project manager should be open minded to others thoughts and opinions as the members of the group may actually be more knowledgable on the topic at hand compared to the project manager in certain instances. Just because someone is the project manager does not mean that they know everything and that their word is final. Their opinion is just as important as the other member's in the group's opinion if not more especially in a case where the project manager is not as familiar with the project details as the team may be. Additionally, I think that the project manager needs to be open to receiving criticism as a project manager may not always operate the same way that the team would expect their project manager to operate. At the end of the day there will always be a difference in opinion but it is imperative that all parties involved are heard and that decisions are made based upon what is best for the project. Has anyone ever been in a project where they have had negative experiences with their project manager due to differences in opinion?

This post was modified 2 years ago by ag2265
Posted : 22/01/2023 10:02 pm
Posts: 42
Eminent Member

To my knowledge engineers are the ones who have a background in various fields such as technology, science, and mathematics in order to create, develop, and engineer appropriate solutions to address different issues related to business. Though the engineer has knowledge in various fields it is necessary to have specific skills to complete the assigned project within a particular time. Some of the project management skills that the engineer should include our the ability to pay attention to what the manager says, the capability enough communicating effectively with team members to get work completed, make them self-flexible and alert to work, and have a big-picture of the project goals.  A person having project management skills can execute the task in a given period, he even moves smoothly from one phase to the other phase such as having progress in the project goals, scheduling meetings to achieve goals quickly, and even communicating with the different departments which involve in the project to know the status of the project and also ensure the final project is delivered meets client as well as customer requirements.

Do you think is there any other project management skills?

This post was modified 2 years ago by sb2538
Posted : 23/01/2023 9:47 pm
Posts: 77
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To add to your point, adaptability is a key skill for a successful project manager to possess. This is important as typically project needs evolve over time. In some instances, an approach may prove to not work and, thus, require the implementation of a new approach or system for the project. Additionally, customer needs may change over the course of the project as well as changes in the timeline and resources, such as budgeting, staffing, and equipment. Another key skill for successful project management is the ability to identify potential risks and be able to formulate different strategies to project these risks and identify the severity of potential risks. Through doing so, the project manager will be able to develop various mitigation plans as well as plans to avoid the risk, if avoidable. 

Posted : 24/01/2023 3:01 pm
Posts: 76
Trusted Member

All the above make good points about the soft & hard skills a PM will need to effectively manage a group of people, as well as keep them on track for deadlines. A PM needs to be an effective communicator, problem solver, and needs the technical knowledge to have discourse with the project members on an equal level. Above all else; they just need to not be an asshole. Nobody wants to work with someone they hate, especially someone who is in their face about it. This extends to clients, vendors, and partners of the business. A project can be sidelined by a self absorbed PM, or sent to the stars by a gracious & kind manager.

Posted : 29/01/2023 4:30 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

I want to add a skill to the conversation that I have not read yet. That is the ability to scrap a project. Engineering projects can easily go overbudget and over time. For example, California's high speed rail project is still ongoing, but is arguably dollar per rail the most cost-inefficient project per its peers. Project managers should focus on cost and time efficiency. They are not hired just to complete a project. If a project clearly isn't bringing proper returns to their investors, this must be discussed and possibility of scrapping of the project must always be on the table. 

I think this is where engineering knowledge significantly matters as well to engineering projects. Project managers that don't have in-depth knowledge of the project at hand can run into the Dunning-Kruger curve, where they think they understand how long a project should take, but are completely wrong. For instance, a common issue in video games is debugging. Often game company executives push uncompleted products out to meet deadlines with the idea that an almost finished product is still a product. Poor player experience has led to damaging reputations of the franchise and company. Apply this type of thinking to the production of medical devices. That could be a disaster, which is one the reasons why the FDA passed a law to regulate medical devices.

So two additional skills for engineering managers are more in-depth engineering knowledge, aka do your own subject research before leading project, and willingness to scrap a project, aka admit failure or infeasibility.

Posted : 29/01/2023 9:45 pm