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Transition from Engineering to sales or marketing?

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Although currently, with my aspirations and desires, I do not really see myself transitioning into either marketing or sales after completing my biomedical engineering degree, if it truly came down to it and I were to transition into one of the roles, I find myself leaning more towards marketing. The main reason being is that marketing involves more strategy, research, and communication than sales, while also allowing for creativity in shaping how products are presented to the market. Throughout my academic journey I have always found myself leaning towards courses that push my creativity and force me to think outside of the norm. While marketing is certainly a different type of creativity than I am used to seeing in my engineering courses, it still combines technical knowledge with strategic thinking. Furthermore, marketing also plays a key role in aligning engineering innovations with customer needs and opportunities, which something I think I would find fulfilling given my engineering background. That is not to say that sales does not have fulfilling characteristics as well, but I feel as though I would enjoy the factors that marketing offers more. Additionally, I feel as though marketing provides a broader range of skills development, from market analysis to product positioning, which can be useful for long-term career growth in product management or executive roles.

Posted : 15/10/2024 4:34 pm
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

Though I'd much prefer to work in product development than sales or marketing, I can see the allure of transitioning to a sales or marketing position after working as an engineer. Once you know the ins and outs of a product, it could be rewarding to really get out on the "front lines" and sell it. If I had to choose between sales and marketing, I'd rather work in marketing because it seems to still have involvement with the product. Part of marketing is market research and product management, where you have to keep up with how the product is doing on the market and note points of improvement. This could mean improving the product itself or the sales strategy. I do not see myself as the biggest "people person" or extrovert, so I don't think I would thrive as a salesperson. Thus, if I had to choose between the two I would work in marketing. 

Posted : 19/10/2024 5:14 pm
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

I think I would definitely try it out if I ever have a chance. It must be harder for something changing from sale to engineer role because of the technical background, which counts as hard knowledge. On the other hand, switching from engineering position to sale/marketing requires little to none of the technical background and it is more of soft skills where you learn to communicate with customers, learn different strategies (this is where your creativity can come in), and start practicing in real life how to become better in sale/marketing. When I think of sale/marketing, I honestly think that everyone can pick it up easily as a soft skills, but to be happy with it being your main job, it depends on your personality as well as your preferences of ideal working environment

Posted : 20/10/2024 8:42 pm
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