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Research for the Fututre or Now?

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Research is extremely important and is needed to advance human society. Ideally, I would love to work on projects that are able to be completed during my life span so that I can see the direct impact of my work in people’s lives, just like Dr.Simon said during the slideshow presentation for week 3. I feel that with seeing a project completed successfully it will motivate me to complete more projects in order to impact the community in as many possible ways as possible. Unfortunately, Rome wasn’t built in a day—meaning that not all great things will be able to happen during my life span. I won’t mind starting or continuing work on project that are meaningful and could offer some benefit to the society my children or grandchildren will live in. At the end of the day I am trying to help the human race as best I can and whatever research I am involved in will eventually lead to something helpful.

Posted : 24/09/2017 5:51 pm
Posts: 29
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I personally prefer to work in an industrial environment where the lifespan of the research is short. My motivation and driving force are the results from the research that I do. Since, research in industries have immediate results and have greater impact in short term, it's easier to do get involved in many projects and see their success rather than doing research in academia and see results after my lifetime.

Posted : 24/09/2017 6:08 pm
Posts: 68
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While both are equally valued in their own ways, I personally would rather feel the impact within my lifetime. This is not only to see it in action, but to ensure that the work is carried out the way I want or to at least have control over the possible outcomes. By leaving research to simmer and marinate for generations, the next generation of scientists may never complete it or not share the vision of the original founder. It may never reach a meaningful conclusion and may have been just a waste of time and resources. That isn't to say all academic research is too long-term to be meaningful, it is just a possible outcome that would be out of my personal control. I would rather know where the project is going and see how the end result will help those in need.

Posted : 24/09/2017 6:23 pm
Posts: 39
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I prefer doing research which can help present generation, since it can not make sure what is going to happen to next generation。 If we can't solve the problems for present generation, the problems would pass down to the next generation. And also people have more passion to work for current problems. If someone let me do something for the future demands, I might be willing to do since I can not feel the demands.

Posted : 30/09/2017 3:15 pm
Posts: 79
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For me personally, I would want to do research that would result in making discoveries to help the current generation rather than the future generation. Both are definitely very important to help, but the current generation influences the future generation so why not fix the problems that are currently here? There are always new advances to products that have already been created but more improved. By focusing on the current generation, in the future, there will be newer products that could help the future generations as well. There is also more of a reward to have a product that can be created now and you see these products being used. When products are made for the long run, you won’t see it in the market for years. There is less satisfaction in this than having a current product to help people now. Sometimes products that are made for the long run might not even go in the market because of an issue that cannot be overcome.

I do not think that one is more important than the other. They are both very important where research that helps the current generation will solve problems for people now but research done for the future generations can be a major advancement as well. Some research takes many years to figure out like for certain diseases that still don’t have a cure. Research for the future is just as important as research for now.

Posted : 18/09/2018 3:50 am
Posts: 83
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Research for future and now both are important working on research for long term is beneficial because it will help the future generations. According to me research which is now can be used and the goals can be accomplished in future. I think that research which is now will benefit the present generation also the future generation with improved technology and advancement. I would prefer to do research which is utilized as soon as possible so it benefits the present generation. In medical devices initially, X-rays was developed but with advanced and improvement in technologies there are other devices such as MRI and fMRI which are developed with better resolution and better quality of the images.

Posted : 18/09/2018 5:19 am
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

While they are both important, an we all agree that they are, I think, from a logical standpoint, research for the current generation is and should continue to be the bulk of completed research. There are two types of research, basic and applied. Most research is applied research, because it is used to solve a problem or explain a phenomena aka conducted for an express purpose. The current generation is seeking solutions to problems they are facing right now. HIV/AIDS, alzheimer's, cancer, joint reconstruction, easier shelter to fabricate, ways to increase crop yield. These are problems that pose a risk to the current generation and research should be primarily aimed at mitigating these risks. While it is nice to have knowledge of a future technology, it is virtually unusable until then. It remains theory until the rest of technology catches up with it. As an engineer, I believe useful and functional things have value. Theory without application is just philosophy.

Posted : 18/09/2018 6:30 am
Posts: 78
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I would rather do research that will affect the current generation. With current research you have a defined end goal that you can work towards, so you know if your research work is heading in the right direction or if it is heading towards a brick wall. When doing research to help future generations you do not necessarily know if the research will be usable for later generations and if it will actually help people later on. With industry research you are able to produce a product that you can hold and use to help people, which is an important factor for me when deciding on research. I think that current is more important because when conducting just research for the sake of discovery you do not know yet if your discoveries will actually help people or if it will be useful to later research. I believe it is better to do the research now towards your end goal rather than waiting and creating ideas for future scientists and engineers to use. I do think academia research is important because it has the potential of being very helpful to later research but it more important to solve the current problems now rather than build more knowledge for later.

Posted : 20/09/2018 9:54 am
Posts: 79
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I would like to do research that would be helpful right away, but a lot of the times you need the longitudinal studies and research in order to come up with the most effective products. You need to have as much information as possible in order to come up with a product. For example, therapies focused on vision require the long term studies that describe the mechanism of how the eyes and their associated muscles and nerves work. If you don't have the data, trying to develop any type of therapy or device is useless. Knowing exactly how a system works allows you to repair or support it. Though the studies themselves may have not directly helped someone, their work was used to help more people in the long run. If you start with the long term academic research, there is no reason why you wouldn't be able to use that in order to make a product of your own. A lot of academic research isn't used to help people, however it's up to the researcher to decide on what they want to study, which may then be used by others or themselves in the future.

Posted : 20/09/2018 1:28 pm
Posts: 68
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In my views I think w should do research for both present and future generations. If you do it for present generations you might know some pitfalls and scientists can explore more in that for future generations. Anyways it also depends on the type of research conducted. For example some might take a year to get the results and some medical might take 4-5 years. According to me research is an on going evergreen thing so whether it is used immediately or i future it would be beneficial for all. So according to me both are important and should exist side by side.

Posted : 22/09/2018 7:33 am
Posts: 77
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I think doing research for the future and current generation are both important, but we must focus on doing research for the current generation because solving current problems can assist or open the doors for future problem solutions. I am not saying to forget about doing research for the future, but you should always keep it in the back of your head because past discovery can lead to new discovery. Current research isn’t a day, a month, or even a single year, it takes longer depending the obstacle they will encounter along the way. If we fail or pass current research it will give the future generation an idea of what to do and not to do for their problems.

Posted : 23/09/2018 10:02 am
Posts: 33
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I always think research for the future in academia is more important since the outcome would be openly seen by the public and it's always good for the further development of the technology, not always about the money. Sometimes money and market doesn't match with what the whole society really want in the long run exactly like the dilemma situation where the new energy vehicle companies are going through. But that doesn't say we should abandon anything controversial in terms of usefulness because it's hard to be accepted by the public needs for now since it brings a lot of budgets on the potential customers, we still need to do these researches that invest in the future to make a greater goal for human being more attainable.

Posted : 23/09/2018 10:41 am
Posts: 53
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I feel that academic and industry research actually go hand-in-hand more than people realize. Because the timeline for implementation of each research is different, industry research is the one that is more closely related to products. However, academic research of the past is what fuels the industry research of the present, and the academic research of the present fuels the industry research of the future. As Dr. Simon explained, when preparing an industrial research protocol, scientists look on PubMed for models that worked. Those articles and models come mainly from academic researchers who have already done their experiments and have published their findings. It is the industry that uses those articles for a more present-day application. I still would prefer the satisfaction of industry research, but I feel that gets overlooked in the academic versus industry research debate.

Posted : 23/09/2018 11:17 am
Posts: 40
Eminent Member

Both are definitely important, however, I would love my research result to be beneficial and used right away. I believe to help current generation is more essential because every generation there's a lot of changes happening in between. Future researches, may never reach a meaningful conclusion and may have been just a waste of time and resources. On the other hand, current research may help both current generation and help future generations as well by leading to the future problems solutions. I believe it is better to do the research now towards your end goal rather than waiting and creating ideas for future scientists to use. So, I believe the more important is our current research to help our current generation now rather than thinking in our future generations.

Posted : 23/09/2018 11:22 am
Posts: 53
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I agree with you that the research done in the industry is more tangible for saving lives. I have had experience studying academic research and performing experiments, and I did not reach any meaningful conclusions. Industrial research is definitely more impactful to our generation and even to future generations as well. My only argument previously was that academic research does impact the industry and the research that goes on there.

Posted : 23/09/2018 11:30 am
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