From the very project managers that I have had or worked under the past, the one thing that I did learn about them is they literally know everything meaning they have to be "jack-of-all-trades." As mentioned in various lecture slides the pm needs to have strong communication skills, interpersonal skills, organization skills and crisis management skills. I think an important quality that a good PM has is that he is very outspoken, or an extrovert. I am very selective as to whom I speak with. Additionally another important skill might be proper organization skills, as at anytime you have to be able to report up as to where the project stands, and what the exact next steps are. Their two questions can only be answered if and only if, you have all information organized in a proper manner.
As stated in the question, we were introduced to a few different qualities a manager needs to have to be successful and effective. Among these were interpersonal skills, organization and crisis management. I have a very easy going and friendly personality where talking to people isn't too difficult for me. I am also very organized and have good time management so I don't think that would be too much of a problem for me. The quality that I think would prevent me from being a great project manager would be the crisis management. I find it difficult to respond to crisis in a short amount of time and in a way where everyone will understand and be happy. As I have more time to think about what to do in case of a crisis, I would be able to manage it better. However, coming up with a solution on the fly would be difficult for me. I believe that some people are born with this ability to manage crisis on the fly and not have to think twice about it. If you aren't born with this quality, like I am, I think the only way to cultivate this deficiency is through experience in whatever field the crisis occurs.
Throughout the semester we have been exposed to different qualities a manager needs to have. Among which are interpersonal skills, organization, and crisis management. I was wondering how the qualities you currently have correlate to the qualities you need as a manager and how you plan on cultivating your deficiencies?
I personally intend to have be more social and interact with people I am traditionally uncomfortable with in hopes of learning how to interact with different people.
Organization and experience are the most important qualities to me since you will not have to worry about missing paperwork or deadlines as the project manager when you are organized. Also, if the project manager has a lot of experience, they will avoid common hurdles since they know what to look out for. I am pretty organized in school work since I create a schedule of when assignments are due and check them off as I go forward in the semester. This is one way I will always continue to proceed with assignments from work or school since it has never failed me. To this day, I don't think I have ever submitted a late assignment in my college academic career. One aspect I need to work on is not being afraid to tackle a problem since even if you make mistakes, you will learn from them, and the best learning tool is said to be failures.
I think currently I have a good hold on being able to solicit and act on feedback I receive to make sure the individuals who report to me are being properly supported. I would like to continue building upon this skill as well as develop myself more in the area of socializing with others as it has been difficult to do so entering the workforce in a primarily remote setting. I find myself to be more introverted and try my best to work on connecting with others more even if it it not my natural inclination.