
Trusted Member
Joined: Sep 4, 2021
Last seen: Apr 28, 2022
Topics: 2 / Replies: 77
RE: How to manage and train low performers in common companies?

It is important for underperforming employees to have strong managers who are able to identify the source of the problem leading to low motivation. Th...

2 years ago
RE: How to manage and train low performers in common companies?

It is important for underperforming employees to have strong managers who are able to identify the source of the problem leading to low motivation. Th...

2 years ago
RE: Skills Learned in this Class

This class helped me truly value teamwork through the many team projects we had to complete. We were constantly shuffled between different teams which...

2 years ago
RE: Qualities of a Manager

I think currently I have a good hold on being able to solicit and act on feedback I receive to make sure the individuals who report to me are being pr...

2 years ago
RE: What’s Your Motivator?

My motivators tend to be linked to what I am most interested. If I am invested in a project I will dedicate more time towards it happily as opposed to...

3 years ago
RE: Overworked Americans vs. Motivation

I agree that many Americans overwork themselves because it has become the norm to do so. Especially if you are trying to get a promotion it is expecte...

3 years ago
RE: How was this class helpful

I found this class helpful in helping me understand the role of a PM without having to work as one first. Its a field I'm interested in entering but a...

3 years ago
RE: Most Important Project Management Knowledge Areas

I think scope management is the most important because a blurry scope can lead to unnecessary costs and expenses due to the scope being molded into so...

3 years ago
RE: Potential PM?

I think I would make for a good PM since I've held leadership positions before and have been able to lead groups on various projects. I think the part...

3 years ago
RE: Difference in communication when working from home

Maintaining work-life boundaries can be difficult but it helps to time block your schedule to avoid meetings outside your comfort zone and force you t...

3 years ago
RE: Success Rate of Projects

I feel a project is successful if it completes the task in the dedicated period of time. Completing more in shorter period of time is even more except...

3 years ago
RE: Improving Team Performance

I think it's important to meet with each team member to discuss their individual motivation techniques as each individual responds differently to diff...

3 years ago
RE: Tendency for project management in medical devices field

I have also worked in a company that did not have a separate project management organization contracted and therefore integrated it within their own c...

3 years ago
RE: Monitoring Time and Budget

I think it would be possible to recover the project if the remaining tasks can be completed by pooling the most experienced individuals able to comple...

3 years ago
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