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What’s Your Motivator?

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My biggest motivator is competition. I remember in Dr. Mantilla’s engineering physiology lab (BME 363) I got motivated by my colleagues answering Dr. Mantilla’s questions on physiology. Therefore, I would be read up on the physiology chapter every night before his class, just so I would get participation points and keep up with my colleagues.

What motivates you to do work or accomplish your goals?
Share an experience of a time when you or your manager motivated you or your team to accomplish a project. This can be a work experience or school project.

Posted : 17/04/2017 6:39 pm
Posts: 72
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Deadlines motivate me to finish my work on time. As a project coordinator, my entire program is run on a deadline as well as the work breakdown structure for everyone. I make sure all of the tasks are completed 1 day before the deadline and this tool has helped me achieve majority of expected results in this program. Each person is assigned deadlines for the tasks and I make sure I send out regular emails to remind each team member that the deadline for a specific task is approaching and keep updates on each task. This allows me as a project coordinator to make sure there are no surprises or unexpected issues when the deadline approaches.

Similar scenario would apply if i was a project coordinator or assistant manager in a medical device industry. I would be motivated by deadlines and I would make sure that all of the tasks are completed and everyone is on the same page. This allows for each project to successfully completed and senior management is happy with your output.

Posted : 18/04/2017 11:02 am
Posts: 51
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Challenges motivate me the most. Challenges are not that many people enjoy because low odds of success with big sacrifices of time, effort and sometime money. However, I like challenges because it helps build my skill, inspires courageous acts, and tests my limits. After finishing those challenges successfully, it feels very rewarding and helps me grow with experience that I got through that challenge. Whether those endeavors succeed or fail, I am motivated by either the achievement, or the failure which asks me to do even more.
I was new to my internship at hospital, biomedical department, who deals with medical device equipment such as problem solving, calibration, troubleshooting. I was very nervous at first, but my manager and other employees motivated me and helped me get through everything by providing detailed explanation and hands on experience. I like this internship because every step, I receive new challenge. Now, I can worked my own without uncertainty.

Posted : 19/04/2017 11:33 am
Posts: 36
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The thing that motivates me the most is knowing that what I help create will one day end up inside someone - making their life better. As a BME, we have an innate feel to improve patient care through physical products or research.

However, on a more direct level, I am really motivated by the satisfaction of fixing issues. In one of my previous internships, I got involved in some product design work for patient-specific instruments. I went through several iterations of designs and prototype. The best feeling was learning from my mistakes and overcoming this challenge to recreate the part based on what I learned. I think that learning something different really changes my perspective on a design/process and gets me more excited to complete my work. To give you an example, after my first iteration, I took the prototype to my manager who looked at it and said "xyz will have an affect of abc - so we need to change that". And so I went back to the drawing board trying to make this product per the patient's needs. Each time, the issue was different and I had to come up with different methods to solve the issues. I had a great time with that project.

Posted : 20/04/2017 7:33 pm
Posts: 53
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What motivates me more when completing my work is the impact that I am causing in society when doing my job. Our community has to continue improving in every aspect of life so I just think of how my project specifically will affect the people who surround me. I want to leave this world not the same way I found it when I was born. I want to make a change for good. Additionally, I always push myself to be better, I don’t want to stay just in one place. If there is anything that is under my capabilities in order to improve my talents then I would do it.
That’s my motivation when giving my best performance in job.

Roberto Pineda.

Posted : 21/04/2017 7:15 am
Posts: 51
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Similar to others, challenge and satisfaction motivate me. The satisfaction of achieving a goal that I have been working toward and challenging myself through the process helps my motivation. For example, for my capstone project, I had to learn an entirely new software language. the challenge that came with this project motivated me to learn and be able to handle the entire project.

Posted : 21/04/2017 7:27 am
Posts: 78
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Visualizing the end product motivates me. While working at General Dynamics Electric Boat, I helped design new components for the submarine. Sometimes, while working on a document or setting up a meeting between all the stakeholders, you wonder why are you doing it? This is when I visualize the completed product and just the smallest details bring me satisfaction. It brings me such joy because I know why those small details were decided on. I know its the best. I know its corrosion resistant and how it upholds to shock testing. I know the bolt holes are just far enough apart for anyone to easily do maintenance on it. I know exactly what material is in every inch of it because I don't want a hazardous material near our sailors. Its those small details and seeing it all come together in your head that makes the documents, meetings and other things worth it.

Posted : 21/04/2017 11:34 am
Posts: 41
Eminent Member

My Motivator is an entirely dreary one. It comes from my own scorn and intensity that is in me that I feel towards others. I am always feeling the drive to show them up, to be superior to anything them, to win their acknowledgment and afterward dismiss it like how I feel dismisses by individuals. Now and again it is quite recently unadulterated indulgence that gets me up. At times I simply like overlooking everything, getting tipsy and playing cricket or watching recordings. I don't generally have numerous life objectives that would make me a contributing individual from society.

Posted : 21/04/2017 3:45 pm
Posts: 31
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What motivates me to do work or accomplish my goals is the journey to actually achieving them. What I mean is before I start to actually do work, I am already looking forward to what challenges I will face and what skills I''ll learn and pickup to actually get work done. Sometimes I'll be given a task to complete for a project, and I'll have no idea how to approach it. However, because of that I'll have to actually brainstorm, do research, or collaborate with others in order to carry out my task. The end result is a job well done, and new skills and knowledge I've gained from getting it done. Everything I end up doing at work is contributing to my self development and knowledge. So I guess at the end of the day, it's really self development that is my motivator.

Posted : 22/04/2017 5:59 pm
Posts: 113
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A lot of people may say that they are motivated to do work because of their family or wanting to help their community. I on the other hand have always been driven to push my own boundaries. I always have my own ambitions, confidence and passion to drive myself to go beyond my limits. Of course, my family is a big driving force to keep me on the right path. If I loose my motivation I tend to take a break from whatever I am doing in life and I take a minute to recollect where I want to be. Not everything is meant to come easy but thats what I enjoy the most. The challenge and hardship make success worth it.

Posted : 23/04/2017 11:03 am
Posts: 92
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My biggest motivation at work is the impact that the product that I work see manufacture has on the patients. In addition, my ambitions come from my family and friends that inspire me to go a step further than what I should. My overall goal would be to innovate and design devices that will enhance healthcare.


Posted : 23/04/2017 12:21 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

What motivates me is the fact that one day I know the work I put it in will have a meaningful impact on someone else. I may never meet that person, know that person, or perhaps even like that person, but it gives me solace in the fact that I can make a difference with my own two hands and my one brain. The more I work and the more I learn, the better I can become at making or doing things that can help others in some form or manner. That is what ultimately motivates me through the good times and bad during both my education and my current employment.

Posted : 23/04/2017 2:34 pm
Posts: 32
Eminent Member

I think my biggest potential motivator is good coworkers. I've made some real lasting friendships through work that have carried on even after parting jobs. It's interesting for me to learn more about people and it goes a long way towards building a stronger team for the job at hand. I also feel like strong social interactions help out in unexpected and un-quantifiable ways, such as solving disputes, sharing workload if the need arises, and generally keeping the mood high.

Posted : 23/04/2017 3:01 pm
Posts: 61
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Many of the things that motivate others are similar to what motivates me. In addition, one of the biggest things that motivates me is the simple acquisition of knowledge. Through school, through work, through experiences, I hope to learn and gain as much as I possibly can. Every skill, every fact, every technique, every mistake, is useful in its own way. Its usefulness may not be clear immediately, or for a great long while, but experience has shown me that some skills and bits of knowledge are worth their weight in gold (ie. learning how to stitch/sow in the 3rd grade while working on a class quilt has been an invaluable skill for me).

Posted : 23/04/2017 3:12 pm
Posts: 79
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I harbor that innate desire to make products for those less fortunate and to know I've made a positive difference in somebody's quality of life. The main source of my motivation stems from my childhood. I grew up around my grandfather who was a pedorthist by trade and was regularly exposed to his clients. He made shoes for individuals with missing toes/ part of their feet though either birth defect or though injury. I will always distinctly remember multiple patient’s hobbling into his office on crutches (or even being bound to a wheeled in the extreme cases) and then, a few visits later, walking out of his office even forgetting their crutches sometimes. Those moments had a profound impact on me and ever since I dreamed to apply science, mathematics, and engineering to a product that can make the lives of people in need easier.

An experience where I was motivated can be detailed at my current job. We needed to pass a certain number of instruments though the quality process within a given time frame. She motivated us though offering overtime pay to ensure that more hours were worked; hence, the instruments were more likely to get done on time. Therefore, she used money as a motivator on top of each employees individual motivations for the companies gain.

Posted : 23/04/2017 5:24 pm
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