My biggest motivator is a sense of purpose or "why". This is found by knowing: (1) what the end product is, (2) how the end product will be impactful, and (3) who will be impacted. Having this overall picture of things allows me to fall back on why I started doing the work in the first place.
What motivates me is the pursuit of improving myself. I always want to be the better me, whether at school or at work. I strive to grab the opportunities when they arise and don't let them slip through my fingers. At school, I am defined by my grades and my work ethics, so boosting my GPA and organizing my time has always been my motivation. At work, producing quality work and a good repertoire among my fellow coworkers has motivated me to be on the top of my game.
What motivates me the most is doing well. Whether that be for a course or for a job it has been ingrained in me to do a good job. The amount I care about the subject has a little effect on how hard I am willing to work but regardless of that I still try to do the job to the best of my ability
I strive to do my best and stand out, however I love learning new things and feeling stimulated. When things become routine and I feel like i'm just pushing papers without little input as to what can go into it because there's already a set formula then things start getting a little dull. Aside from that I like to feel like my work matters and that someone notices my effort. Having a boss that expects you to put work first over everything (I had a boss question why I was taking a lunch break) really makes me feel unmotivated and that I don't matter to the company.
My biggest source of motivation would be the goals that I wish to achieve in life. I believe that the work you do every day has to lead to some ultimate achievement. Having life goals is something that allows me to find encouragement and motivation in everything I do. It can be a source of willpower, which is need in order to succeed in life. Knowing what you want to do in your life is the key to success because how can you hit a target if you don't know what or where it is? Reflecting upon myself and figuring out my purpose in life seems like a simple question but it's very hard for many people to do. This is why I look to my goals everyday to keep reminding myself why I am enduring the pain and stress. Keeping sight of the end of the tunnel is the best way to motivate yourself to move towards it.
For me, one of the biggest motivators to work for me is the sense of satisfaction in the excellence of the work I have done. It brings me great satisfaction to look back on a project, deliverable, or any other piece of work and see how well it was done and how well it fits the needs that it was meant to meet. If something is not too good, I look for ways to either improve it in the present, or catalogue those to keep as lessons learned for the future. There really is nothing like taking a step back and seeing the evidence that you have gone above and beyond, and what really is the icing on top is when other co workers/managers recognize the same. This has been the case for me in the projects that I have worked on, where I have done my part so well that my manager takes notice, praises me for it and trusts that I can take on even more responsibility, since I have proven myself.
I believe my main motivator is reaching my full potential. If I am ever in an environment that requires me to put in work that does not utilize all of my skills that I've developed over the course of my academic, professional, and personal life, I feel out of place and demoralized. Even to this day, although I am certainly grateful for the opportunities I've been given, I always look ahead and try to determine where I belong. I then strive to reach that goal where I will again seek out my next milestone. I don't think I can ever stop looking forward beyond my current abilities until I get to a point where I know I belong.
My biggest motivation is my past. Where I come from, I wasn't provided with all the resources that I have today. I am always driven to go above and beyond and accomplish what couldn't have been possible if I wasn't living in America. I like to push my own boundaries. I always have my own ambitions, confidence and passion to drive myself to go beyond my limits. Of course, my family is a big driving force to keep me on the right path. If I loose my motivation I tend to take a break from whatever I am doing in life and I take a minute to recollect where I want to be. I know not everything is going to be easy life, and I actually like that fact. It gives me something to look forward to and aim for.
A huge part of my life that truly motivates me is that my aunt and younger cousin both have severe neurological diseases/deficits that have impacted their daily lives. Ever since I started to truly understand that I had the opportunity to make a difference in their lives. Also, I wanted to push myself to my limits to try to wrap my head around the reasoning behind these unfortunate situations. This has lead me to this journey of trying to make a difference in the lives of others and bring some type of joy to their lives. During my capstone project in college, a huge motivator that pushed me to succeed were my teammates who became my friends for life. They helped me understand the idea of teamwork and success. The bond we have created by being together for hours on end made the work more enjoyable with them by my side through the process.
My motivation is when I look 10 years later at the old me I will say I did my best and nothing less than my best, not to regret things and gave it all I can. I like to have fun in all the small things which makes a difference. Having a great teammates can make you wake up everyday and want to go meet and work with them.
I think many factors motivate me to finish my work and goals. At work, deadlines motivate me to finish my work. Everything has to get done on time and I am someone who stresses if I do not meet deadlines or have too many things piling up. Stress is a big factor because the earlier I finish my work, the less there will be for me to do later with piles of work. I have to prioritize projects as well. Another thing that motivates me is that the smaller assignments I finish, the more I can be involved in bigger projects that catch my interest and learn about other parts of the company. As for my goals, I believe what motivates me to keep working towards my goals is to finish and cross off things on my task list. School projects are based on grades and getting a good grade also motivates me to finish things early and on time. Tasks that are challenging also motivate me to work on it head on to accomplish it and finish it.
What motivates me is collaboration coupled with learning. Whether it be a group assignment in a class, or working together with co-workers, or reaching a goal with another individual, the simple case of working with others to achieve something greatly motivates me because it feels like I am a part of something. Of course, learning also often accompanies this and enhances the motivation, since we learn a lot about people by working with them, but also learn a lot about ourselves and the world around us. For me, working directly with people is a reminder that we are all interconnected and our actions affect those around us. Working individually sometimes makes us forget how interconnected we really are and plus, working with others is often more exciting, albeit a bit challenging at times.
One experience where I was very motivated was in a senior design project class where we were all put into groups to build a specific product. For each team assignment, I was always ready to put in my part, since my actions affected the whole team and I was accountable for my actions. Also, I found it very fun to be a part of a team and interact with others, learning their stories, learning their thought-processes, and doing tasks for the greater whole than just for myself. I find it similar to playing a sport, where you are part of a team and your performance affects the whole team, but also, what fun is playing a sport by yourself? I think at the end of the day, I'll remember the people I worked with, more than what I worked on.
I'm really excited to do something that will actually be noticed by the world. I have so far done a couple things on my own or with a team that has been cool, but nothing that has really affected anyone's lives. I haven't made a product that people use repeatedly. Therefore there is still a void in my life that needs to be fulfilled. I have to make something that will be used to make peoples lives better. Also I need money so it would be nice to put those things together. I'm tired of renting but I don't want to live with my parents so I would like to buy a house. For those reasons but also for the aspect of property investing. Really just looking towards the future gives me so much motivation because I also want kids and those kids will probably have to go to college unless they're professional athletes or self-starters at a young age.
Challenging and learning opportunity at the work place are the big motivators for me,the working environment plays a big role but at the end of the day if I am doing something that I love nothing else matters .Doing something we like or love plays very important role in keeping us motivated .It makes the work interesting and no need of the high authority to motivate you ,where as here you are self motivated .
One of the biggest motivators in my career has been the people I work with. I'm fortunate to be working on a team of very passionate, hardworking individuals who I get along with well, which motivates me to put in my best efforts as well in order to keep up. Of course I do intrinsically enjoy the technical problem-solving that comes with engineering, but I do think that if I worked in an environment where everyone did the bare minimum, collected their paycheck and went home, I'd definitely become demotivated over time. I'd imagine this would apply to many other people in the workforce, since humans are social beings, and have a natural inclination to want to fit in with those around them. Therefore, it is important that any organization encourages hiring and developing passionate individuals in order to foster a motivated culture.