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Gantt chart

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Gannt charts are used for scheduling and breaking down required tasks for a project. They're useful in estimating and planning how a project should be completed and in what order the steps required for this project should be completed. 

The reason that tasks can run in parallel is because they are either independent tasks or are tasks that may be required to be completed at the same time for the project to move forward. In terms of independent tasks, they're run in parallel since there is no reason that they should be run at separate times. The completion of one is not reliant on the other, and thus it saves time by completing them at the same time. 

Tasks that need to be completed at the same time for the project to move forward are also in parallel since the project may require those two specific tasks to occur together (even if development is separate). A good example of this would be making the tires of a car and the metal part that connects the tire to the car. They can be built separately, but are ultimately both required to be completed around the same time so that they can be used to attach the wheels to the car. (I don't work with cars this process could be different)

Posted : 28/02/2021 2:07 pm
Posts: 54
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Gantt chart is the project management tool used for planning and scheduling the projects of all sizes. They are particularly useful to simplify the complex projects. Having multiple overlapping tasks in parallel helps in maintaining clear and concise data of the work planned and its progress. It also indicates the sub-categories in the tasks. It provides a clear to view to person in-charge on the complete progress of the project.

Posted : 28/02/2021 9:22 pm
Posts: 58
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There are many uses for a Gantt chart. Specifically, to help visualize all of the task in a project, no matter how complex. As the project becomes more complex, there will be more and more subcategories. This makes the Gantt chart that much more important. While it may be confusing to see why you would need to see overlapping tasks in parallel for different categories, as the project gets more complicated, seeing it all laid out in front of you really helps visualize what is missing and what can needs more focus.

Posted : 28/02/2021 11:18 pm
Posts: 75
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The Gantt chart shows project starting date, the project tasks list ,Who is working on these tasks, tasks starting and finishing date, tasks duration, overlap and link with each other, and the project finishing date. So the parallel tasks is definitely occur even for tasks that are related to each other or for tasks that are separated but they are be worked at the same time because there are further tasks are related to them, or just to save time.

Posted : 01/03/2021 12:29 am
Posts: 78
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Posted by: @ka-kyung-kim

On the gantt chart, why is it important to have multiple overlapping tasks going on in parallel? I understand within a same category, to make a smooth and fast work process, tasks overlap and process in parallel. But why does it also same for within different categories?

Overlapping tasks is a way of trying to minimize the possibility of missing milestones when working on a project. A complete project is not only the final product, but it takes research, planning development, and testing to multiple components and systems within the project to produce a complete product. Working on tasks in parallel allows different departments who work on the project to achieve their milestones allowing the project to be pushed forward faster and with efficiency. As it was mentioned in the lecture, going back from the developing stage to the planning stage is a costly process and working in parallel prevents that from happening, as we can verify and validate systems of the project instead of testing it, part by part.

Posted : 01/03/2021 1:07 am
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Posted by: @nicoleb

Gantt charts are not done for processes like design verification where one task must be completed before moving on to the next. Instead, they are mainly utilized for scheduling parts of the project that can be going on simultaneously. Therefore, you can have tasks in different categories going on at the same time.

Going back to this response, a Gantt chart can be used for design verification. At any time of a project, a Gantt chart may be used for a visual aid on what tasks can be run in conjuncture with the next and when some tasks may have a delay or gap between tasks in certain phases. One more specific example is for mechanical testing. A lifecycle or durability test can take two or three weeks where simultaneous static tests that take one or two days can be placed in parallel with one another. Design verification encompasses the portion where you are verifying product so if the project allocates a month for physical testing, one will need to remain flexible in accomplishing tasks simultaneously. 

Posted : 01/03/2021 9:50 pm
Posts: 32
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On a gantt chart, the order of which tasks are done are based upon the resources required and the prerequisite tasks. Tasks are done in parallel when they are not dependent on each other and they don’t require the same resources. This way, the project will be done in the most efficient way and be done as soon as possible.

Posted : 07/03/2021 9:59 pm
Posts: 42
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Posted by: @ka-kyung-kim

On the gantt chart, why is it important to have multiple overlapping tasks going on in parallel? I understand within a same category, to make a smooth and fast work process, tasks overlap and process in parallel. But why does it also same for within different categories?

In a project schedule, overlapping tasks are tasks that are BOTH sequential and concurrent.  The effective and efficient scheduling of overlapping tasks typically requires the use of time lags and logic relationships that are not Finish to Start.

Posted : 07/03/2021 11:47 pm
Posts: 34
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To add to the discussion on Gantt charts I would like to discuss a little about the history. Henry Laurence Gantt who was an American mechanical engineer is credited with the invention of the Gantt chart. It was introduced by him in 1910-1915. From the 1980s with the introduction of personal computers, Gantt charts were produced using software. Important milestones and project progress is also included in some types of newer Gantt charts. Also, dependencies between tasks are indicated and easily managed by some Gantt chart software. So, even though the primary purpose of Gantt charts was for planning and scheduling it is also used as a progress monitoring tool and preprogrammed interconnections are easily updated by software when changes are made to certain tasks. 

Posted : 26/03/2021 7:27 pm
Posts: 80
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Most of the time, tasks are done or executed in parallel in order to shorten the overall timeline of the project and get to the launching phase faster. If all tasks are done like a chain then the project will take way more than it should. There are tasks within the same functions and tasks related to other functions. Tasks within the same function are usually done after each other, since they are prerequisites to each other. For example, when it comes to the Design Verification phase many tests require transportation and environmental conditioning as a prerequisite then there would be nothing holding back the team from executing the rest of the tests in parallel, since they are independent. Tasks are also preferred to be executed together if they are needed to be done at the same time in order to move forward with the project. Now with Microsoft Project, the project manager types in all the tasks and what their prerequisites are and how long they take and the program would generate an automatic Gantt Chart, which would definitely have things in parallel since it is generating the most efficient and fast way to execute all the lists of tasks.

Posted : 26/03/2021 8:55 pm
Posts: 77
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Gantt charts are extremely useful in portraying a projects schedule, milestones, and dependencies. Based on task dependencies, certain tasks may have to be completed in a particular order. Using the example of building a shed from the lectures, a shed can only be assembled after the cement has hardened. This is an example of a dependency, as one task is dependent on the completion of another. However, when tasks do not have dependencies on each other, they can potentially be portrayed on the Gantt chart as being parallel, whether within one category or between multiple categories. When there are no dependencies between tasks, then both tasks should start as early as possible to ensure maximum efficiency in the schedule. Once again, using the shed example from the lectures, building the shed base, and cutting wood are tasks that are not dependent on each other. Therefore, it would be logical to begin both tasks as early as possible, and even at the same time, to maximize efficiency. Therefore, there are parallel lines within both single categories, as well as different categories to make an efficient schedule.

Posted : 11/04/2021 12:02 am
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

I completely agree with previous comments just I want to mention grant charts are for scheduling different sections of a project that can be done parallel and it’s not for sections like design verification which need to completed step by step and one after the other so it’s possible to have multiple overlapping tasks even if they are not in same categories.

Posted : 11/04/2021 4:00 pm
Posts: 51
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The idea behind a Gantt chart is to illustrate or paint a wholistic picture of the project schedule. The basic Gantt charts consists tasks to be performed on the vertical (y-axis) and as always time interval on the horizontal axis (x-axis). Most Gantt charts are usually planned with early start time approach in which all tasks are completed with right after it prerequisites. The main goal behind a gantt chart is to manage dependencies. Multiple overlapping tasks are usually seen in chart as most tasks are dependent on each other.  

Posted : 11/04/2021 6:56 pm
Posts: 41
Eminent Member

Using a Gnatt chart allows you to see every task that needs to be completed. With this particular chart, you can work out the minimal delivery time to complete the project. It is often essential to have many tasks overlapping each other to reduce the project's time and make sure the project will be completed in time. Remember, some tasks can be completed at any point in the project, but others can only be started once others are completed.

Posted : 11/04/2021 8:31 pm
Posts: 78
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The occurrence of multiple overlapping tasks going on in parallel helps increase the productivity of a project. If a task is not constrained by any requirements, then its completion in parallel with other tasks helps ensure projects can be completed in an efficient manner. As mentioned in the lecture, this is not always the case as some tasks cannot begin until a specific event has occurred such as the completion of a prerequisite task. In relation to various categories, if the completion of a task is not constrained by tasks in another category then its completion in parallel is an effective method to complete projects as well. As a result, the Gantt chart is an important tool to observe and display tasks that can be completed in parallel as well as those that require a prerequisite to occur. For instance, for my capstone project, I was able to work on my assigned tasks on assembling and soldering the electrical components while another team member could work on our smartphone app at the same time. On the contrary, my team member with the responsibility of designing a case for the electrical components had to wait until I was finished to take measurements to develop a CAD model.

Posted : 11/04/2021 8:43 pm
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