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Sucess Factors

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These factors are each individually important for a project to succeed. Most important factor would be effective communication. I believe this because communication is the key to successfully completing the project. Everyone has to be able to communicate with each other especially when they need to solve issues that arise during the project timeline. I also think it is very important to develop clearly defined plans with assigned responsibilities. These two factors together can easily make or break a project. This is because there has to be effective communication so that the plans are clearly defined and everyone knows what to do and when it needs to be done. These factors also tie in with factor number 1 which is agreeing on project goals. There should be clear goals defined or no one will understand what is needed from them for the project. 

Posted : 01/03/2020 6:41 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

All the listed factors are essential for team success and are equally important as follows:

  1. Agreeing on a project goal will help keep team members in check as to what the guidelines will be as well as speculated timeline
  2. Communication is a key factor to be able to keep everyone updated on each person's task as well as weekly updates
  3. As mentioned in number 1, it will coordinate everyone on expected deadlines and responsibilities tailored for each person's abilities and skill set
  4. Managing project scope will allow everyone not to deviate from the desired goal
  5. Following up with management is important as it allows the superiors to constantly be updated on the teams progress in respect to the timeline the team has provided

All theses factors build on each other which makes every step equally important to the next for the team to be successful.

Posted : 01/03/2020 8:33 pm
Posts: 78
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Although there may be more factors associated with project success, these are certainly some of the most important. Agreeing on project goals is necessary because the whole reason for working with a team is to work towards a similar goal. If a team cannot agree upon the same project goal, conflict is inevitable which can hinder or stall a project altogether. Ineffective communication can often lead to a misunderstanding of project goals. Having effective communication is important throughout the whole process of a project because it limits the opportunity for conflict. Developing a clearly defined plan with assigned responsibilities is an effective way of distributing the workload in a fair and organized manner, minimizing the chances of duplicating work. Managing project scope provides a foundation for what is to be accomplished within the project. Stakeholder requirements might not be met without proper management of the project scope. Lastly, management support is necessary for ensuring adequate funding, resources, and strategic guidance throughout the project.

Posted : 01/03/2020 11:56 pm
Posts: 41
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One of the very first things you will do together identifies a goal for whatever the project. This is essential as the project isn’t completed until this goal is met, so there is no project without it. Throughout the project, there must be communication about individual roles, responsibilities, deadlines, and team needs. The lack of effective communication most likely will lead to a flawed project. Each team and individual must know their role and understand how each part is equally important in producing the final product. With the many tasks taking place, the project manager must support each phase of the project to reduce possible delays or issues.

Posted : 02/04/2021 2:39 am
Posts: 49
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Once success factors and processes have been assessed and prioritized, the project manager and his team should identify the potential impact of uncontrolled, non-specific events on these business functions and processes. Non-specific events should be identified so that management can plan and concentrate on the impact of various disruptions instead of specific threats that may never affect the project scope. At the same time, project management should never ignore potential risks that are evident in the institution's particular area. For example, financial institutions may be located in flood-prone areas, near fault lines, or by areas subject to tornados or hurricanes and to be successful you have to communicate and plan for these outcomes.

In addition to identifying the impact of non-specific events on project functions and plans, the PM should also consider the impact of legal and regulatory requirements on the project’s goals. For example, management should assess the impact of compromised customer data, which can result in regulatory concerns and a loss of public confidence. Always have a backup plan on top of your plan! By identifying the potential impact of these issues, management may have a better idea of the business functions and processes that could potentially be affected and hinder the overall project’s success. A PM should consider the regulatory requirement regarding notification and communication to the institution's primary shareholders and assign responsibilities to ensure for the duration of the project has proper support to the management.

Posted : 03/04/2021 2:08 pm
Posts: 50
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Posted by: @devarshi-joshi

According to me the most important 5 success factors are:
1)Agreeing on the project goals
2)Effective Communication
3)Develop clearly defined plans with assigned responsibilities.
4)Managing project scope effectively.
5)Making sure of management support.

So how are these factors individually important for a project?

If one of these success factors are taken for granted or not given the proper attention, it could slow down or even derail the project to some extent.  

Agreeing on the project goals: The execution phase should not even be thought about without a proper end goal in place.  Actually, this should be how you manage the tasks anyway.  Create an end goal -> Create checkpoints of how to get there (smaller goals) -> Create tasks of how to accomplish each small goal

Effective Communication: From what I've learned a project team can be large or small but if they are not communicating through project successes and failures, you may as well not be on a team at all.  Not communicating can have multiple people working on the same task and wasting time.

Develop clearly defined plans with assigned responsibilities: For me, this one was addressed in Agreeing to the project goals & Effective Communication. If the first two successes are followed and implemented this one is as simple as making a check list of what has been done vs what needs to be done.

Managing project scope effectively: Staying on track. Making sure that everyone is doing their part so that the project can only fall behind due to material or vender issues not because the team is not working well. It also hinges on effective communication and project goals.

Making sure of management support: I am a firm believer that a lack of managerial support can be the difference between a well oiled machine and a rusted abandoned one.  

Posted : 04/04/2021 3:41 pm
Posts: 51
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Posted by: @devarshi-joshi

According to me the most important 5 success factors are:
1)Agreeing on the project goals
2)Effective Communication
3)Develop clearly defined plans with assigned responsibilities.
4)Managing project scope effectively.
5)Making sure of management support.

So how are these factors individually important for a project?

1) Agreeing on the project is very important because then everyone is on the same page from the begging. It will also help by keeping everyone focused and within the scope in situations where some challenges or delays may be presented. 

2) Effective communication is arguably one of the most important success factors. Any group work is going to require effective communication at every step of the project. Communication will make or break the project and be one of the main contributing factors to time and efficiency. 

3) Developing clear roles and assignments will help keep everyone focused and on track. It will also help with communication since you will know who to inquire about a certain part or step of the project. It allows for checks and balance system to be employed, which can help international projects. 


Posted : 04/04/2021 8:48 pm
Posts: 48
Eminent Member

The consensus of the team is critical when the motivation of the project team is taken into consideration. If the team doesn't feel motivated to continue the project because they disagree with the scope or direction, the outcome won't be as successful as it could have been with full support. Effective communication is needed to convey direction and convey mistakes made during the project cycle. Clear communication makes understanding tasks and plans easier, where the third point of developing clear, defined plans comes in. Maintaining scope throughout the project keeps tasks "on-task" and clarifies when the project reaches a lull. This can be achieved through proper management of the team and ensuring the above points are made to the best of their ability.

Posted : 04/04/2021 11:14 pm
Posts: 78
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Posted by: @devarshi-joshi

According to me the most important 5 success factors are:
1)Agreeing on the project goals
2)Effective Communication
3)Develop clearly defined plans with assigned responsibilities.
4)Managing project scope effectively.
5)Making sure of management support.

So how are these factors individually important for a project?

From my point of view, even though the five factors are important to the success of the project, but effective communication takes priority because it can determine the effectiveness of the other four factors. If the team is not using the communication time efficiently, wasting time, materials, and missing milestones will be the nature of the project. 
Defining the project goals and agreeing on them is a part of effective communication that can save the team time and effort that can be used towards meeting the goals of the project. The purpose of seating defined goals for the project is to meet the customer needs or the market needs. Working on a project without agreeing on the goals scatters the attention of the team and increases the chance of project failure. 
Making sure of the management support is a very critical step to ensure funding for the project. Management support to the project can be translated to project funding, legal support to manage to pattern the idea, and FDA documentation. Finally is developing a clear plan and assigning responsibilities, and managing project scope effectively, this step sets the plan for the project and ensure to meet the milestones on time, and have a setup alternative to meet those milestones if delays occurred. 
Posted : 04/04/2021 11:43 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

1. Agreeing on the project goals is important to overall team success, and most importantly, chemistry. Team work is the main component of all projects, and if team members do not agree on the overall goals of the project, a solution, or some common ground, must be worked out and found in order for the team to make any positive progress.

2. Effective communication may be the most important aspect of executing a project plan successfully. Everyone should be on the same page at all times. When in doubt, it is better to overcommunicate whenever possible. In addition, managers must have the emotional intelligence to communicate to their team members in a way that they know their team members will respond to and be motivated by.

3. Developing clearly defined plans with assigned responsibilities is essential for project progress and project organization. Identifying the individual tasks of a project and team member responsibilities is one of the first and most vital steps of the planning phase.

4. Managing project scope effectively is important for ensuring that all project requirements are met. A project cannot be 100% complete until these requirements are completely finished and all inputs of the given project are taken care of with successful outputs.

5. Making sure of management support is important to the overall success of the project as having the backing from management is what allows the project to run smoothly. Without management's cooperation, the project can experience time delays, budget cuts, etc.

Posted : 05/04/2021 10:46 am
Posts: 45
Eminent Member

First, I agree that all five are collectively important factors in success. Beginning with the first factor, agreeing and keeping in mind a common goal is important because it reminds the team and management the reason for being assembled. It also keeps everyone on the same page and focused on the same target so side projects do not deter the team and prolong the work schedule. The second factor, effective communication, is the most important in my opinion because it is vital to a common understanding across the board. This factor is important for a project because it keeps everyone on the same page and reduces confusion. With a breakdown in communication, various parts of a team are unaware of progress, which could delay the project as whole. Next, clear assignments and responsibilities are important because they define exactly what is to be completed by team members. Knowing and assigning responsibilities allows for understanding on the team's behalf and direction on behalf of the Project Manager. As the penultimate factor, effective project scope management, this is important for the Project Manager because he or she needs to be able to effectively manage the project. Good leadership is the foundation of a successful project. Lastly, support is great. However, knowing one has the support of his or her manager is vital because it creates a sense of community within the group. When people feel comfortable in their work environment, they are able to work diligently, adding to the success of the project.

Posted : 05/04/2021 9:49 pm
Posts: 48
Eminent Member
Posted by: @devarshi-joshi

According to me the most important 5 success factors are:
1)Agreeing on the project goals
2)Effective Communication
3)Develop clearly defined plans with assigned responsibilities.
4)Managing project scope effectively.
5)Making sure of management support.

So how are these factors individually important for a project?

Agreement within a project group is a key factor of being able to actually execute the plans created by the team. Without effective communication between each team member there can not be any agreement on how to move forward with the project. However, agreement and communication flow much more easily in a project group when clearly defined plans and responsibilities are given. It just makes every part of the process easier because everyone knows their role at all times. Managing the project scope is extremely important because the team needs to know what things may be a waste of time or not. Ensuring that management is in full support of the project is important for the sake of the project itself. If management sees bad team qualities or a non-lucrative product the process could be cut short. 

Posted : 05/04/2021 10:24 pm
Posts: 50
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Posted by: @devarshi-joshi

According to me the most important 5 success factors are:
1)Agreeing on the project goals
2)Effective Communication
3)Develop clearly defined plans with assigned responsibilities.
4)Managing project scope effectively.
5)Making sure of management support.

So how are these factors individually important for a project?

Parties agreeing to the project goals are important because of "buy in." People are always more likely to participate and work hard when they understand and support the goals of the project.  Effective communication is very important for the obvious reason.  If communication is lacking, things can go awry at any time in the process.  Clarity and ownership.  That is why there should be defined plans and assigned responsibilities. If the plans aren't clear, it can be open to interpretation, which can result in the implementation of an alternate vision for the project.  To me, that portion is more suitable for effective communication.  People need assigned roles so it is not assumed that someone will handle something and risk it not getting completed.  Effective management of the project scope is important so that everyone can remain on task.  Management support is crucial because if management is not in support, the project will likely not happen.  If it does, it will likely be met with much resistance and kick-back.  

Posted : 07/04/2021 12:16 am
Posts: 80
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all those factors definitely play a role in the success of any project. 

1) Agreeing on the project goals is essential in order to avoid scope creep. The whole team has to be aligned on the goals in order to work towards them and not face any scope creeps. If the goals are not clear then there will be many tasks that are going to be of no value to the progress of the project and the results won't be as desirable. 

2) Effective communication saves a lot of time to the team. Miscommunication causes major delays and misunderstanding that would cause the project to go in circles until everyone is aligned. Weekly meetings would help to lay out the project progress and the pending action items for the team to work on. 

3) Develop clearly defined plans with assigned responsibilities would prevent repetitive work. Responsibilities have to be clearly highlighted to expedite the process and avoid any delays caused by repetitive works or responsibilities not assigned to anyone.

4) Managing project scope effectively helps to make sure that all project activities are working towards implementing the scope and that the project is going in the right path to achieve success.

5) Making sure of management support makes sure that the stakeholder is aligned with the progress of the project and that all managers/vice presidents are aligned on the critical decisions made, especially if they affect the timeline and effectiveness of the project.

Posted : 07/04/2021 6:57 pm
Posts: 50
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All five factors mentioned are important in the success of the project. Dr. Simon has said repeatedly, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail", and as we continue to progress through this PM course I can see the validity of that statement. The team needs to agree on the project goals not only because it is important for the team to understand what the project goals are if they have a firm understanding then they will also have an accurate idea of what is expected of them performance-wise.  Having effective communication is needed to ensure that the project goes smoothly and communication will be the factor that ensures that if there "is" a hiccup that the team can get back on track and work cohesively.  Developing clear and defined plans while assigning responsibilities allows for each team member to know what their specific role is on the team.  Managing project scope effectively is necessary because there has to a plan and order to be successful in the production of anything. Again, the importance of planning for success is rearing its head right here. If the project is not managed effectively then it is left open to the possibility of failing. Support of management is important as well, the subordinates need to feel valued to be efficient. It is part of the PM soft skills to people management. All of these factors together are responsible for a project's success. 

Posted : 08/04/2021 1:51 am
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