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Disease Outbreaks

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In the PowerPoint discussion regulatory basis for medical devices it described how the tetanus Tetanus outbreak traced to diptheria antitoxin  was the reason the FDA fully intervened and began this increased regulatory environment, what disease outbreak can you think of that happened in or out the United States and how could that disaster be prevented ?

Posted : 19/03/2022 9:51 pm
Posts: 19
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Well, I am not sure that we can prevent any disease outbreak. Any group of animals that live in close proximity to one another are going to cause and outbreak of infection at any point. However, I do believe outbreak severity can be reduced substantially with the proper tools and information. For example, in the United States our government has an entire team dedicated to watching, studying, and preparing for any potential disease spread anywhere in the world. In 2005 President Bush read a book about the outbreak in 1918 and decided that he needed to do something to prepare the country for this to happen again. He set into motion the creation of the pandemic plan that included everything a country needed to prepare for a pandemic including early warning systems, extra ventilators and face masks. This plan also included funding for vaccine creation and testing. Unfortunately for us, this entire team of scientists were removed from their position under Trump. So, 1 million people died as a result. Had this not happened, I think America would have fared much better the last few years and we may have been a major player in helping prevent this illness from becoming as severe as it has. Unfortunately now, we are just the problem. 

Posted : 10/07/2022 8:09 am
Posts: 21
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The COVID-19 outbreak is one example of a disease outbreak that comes to mind. I believe that the United States should have made better use of data analytics and predictive models to aid in curbing the virus's spread. Governments and medical professionals needed to know where the subsequent spike in coronavirus cases might occur. Johnson & Johnson, for instance, developed a worldwide monitoring dashboard to receive a real-time view of how the virus is spreading worldwide. Where they tested their investigational COVID-19 vaccine candidate was determined by pulling data at the national, state, and county levels. Additionally, information on what can make someone more susceptible to severe illness and how various treatment options might affect patient outcomes helps identify people who are most at risk. For instance, machine learning can now categorize or forecast who is most likely to be immune to COVID-19.

Posted : 10/07/2022 7:19 pm
Posts: 26
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@justinwilliams I think the pandemic taught us that the world was not prepared for such an outbreak.  As for the US, we avoided looking at the data because at the onset of the pandemic, we had an administration that didn't believe the virus was real and that the data was not accurate.  We lost too many people because of poor-planning & not acknowledging how dangerous the virus was.  Now that organizations have taken charge in confirming the data I think that has helped reduce the number of cases along with vaccines.

Posted : 12/07/2022 5:00 am
Posts: 18
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@justinwilliams this is exactly what I was thinking when it comes to disease outbreaks and the first thing that came to mind was the Covid 19 pandemic, and how the world was not prepared for this outbreak because when it came to the FDA, NIH, and the WHO none of them where on code and things were not addressed properly to the public, the US had a wait and see approach and scientific facts was put on the backburner because it was too much division in the country of untrustworthy data and alternative facts that further divided us instead of coming together with a solution to follow the science and data that will would have gotten us as a country out of the pandemic faster instead of cases being on the rise and new variants being found to the point that we will most likely be an endemic.

Posted : 13/07/2022 5:09 pm
Posts: 21
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Like many of the other responses probably shared, COVID has been lifechanging regarding many areas but for healthcare and preventative measures no doubt the past 3 years has spotlight where the mark was missed. The beginning of the outbreak might not have been able to be completely avoided but I do believe the longevity of the pandemic is one that certainly could have been prevented. I do believe if there were concrete regulations here in the US, the number of cases might have been mitigated early on. Instead of the pandemic solely being a health crisis it turned into a politicization affair that added to the unresolved issues and uncertainty that COVID brought. 


Posted : 13/07/2022 6:20 pm
Posts: 9
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A disease that would be preventable in the United States and worldwide would have been the spread of the Covid-19 virus. With proper execution the spread of the disease could have been prevented or at least slowed to not be as severe of an impact as it had. There could have definitely been more seriousness no matter how the virus was thought to be in the beginning, not knowing about it should have opened the door for there to be more probabilities of it having severe effects and higher mortality rates as it did since it was not addressed and stopped in the beginning like it could have been. 

Posted : 13/07/2022 8:30 pm
Posts: 17
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With an estimated 8 billion humans, their connections with other creatures and ecosystems, as well as the rise in global trade and travel, I predict that these variables will affect how mankind approaches the prevention and treatment of epidemics.
These elements could already be altering how infectious illnesses develop and spread as seen with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Posted : 14/07/2022 4:49 pm
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

It is the opinion of the writer that one disease outbreak that occurred within the United States and affected many individuals globally would be covid-19. During the onset of the covid-19 pandemic, many people lost their lives and endured additional health complications because of contracting the covid-19 virus. It is the opinion of the writer that although there was a high chance of having a large amount of covid cases globally, it is the opinion of the writer that the onset of a pandemic itself could have in fact been prevented. Many researchers believe that mask wearing is contributed to decreasing an individual’s chances of covid related exposure. In this case, it is the opinion of the writer that if masks were required much earlier when individuals first learned of the covid-19 virus, covid cases could have been lessened tremendously, which could have resulted in less deaths and hospitalizations.

Posted : 16/07/2022 3:01 pm
Posts: 78
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While AIDS has been traced back to the 1800s, the rapid spread of the disease happened during the early-to-mid-1900s. While diseases like sleeping sickness and Hepatitis C were spreading across different countries, there weren't enough vaccines to distribute to everyone. Along with that issue came the problem of having enough syringes to deliver the dosage. Unfortunately, they had to reuse those syringes and once an infected one was used, that was the beginning of the outbreak. If more resources were provided to them as well as the acknowledgment of the re-usage of syringes, then I think the disease wouldn't have spread as much as it did.

Posted : 30/09/2022 2:20 pm
Posts: 78
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Like it has been stated in prior posts, I don't think that a disease outbreak could be entirely prevented. Although a disease can not be prevented, steps can be taken to minimize outbreak or the severity of an outbreak. To combat disease as soon as possible, the United States FDA established the Emergency Use Authorization(EUA) program back in 2004. This program was made to speed up the process of getting medical drugs to the public in order to keep the public as safe as possible against a disease outbreak. As of recent the FDA has granted EUA to both Covid-19 and monkeypox vaccines, despite the 10-15 year development and clinical trial period drugs and vaccines typically take. I believe that the EUA by the FDA is a great implementation to help combat disease outbreak and has become vital to the public health in recent years in the United States.

Posted : 02/10/2022 2:18 pm