
Forum Replies Created

RE: Importance of brand storytelling in sales and marketing strategies

I also believe that story-telling has truly increased customer loyalty. I know many animal healthcare companies really try to show a sympathetic side to animal owners. Mainly I see that companies will...

In forum Marketing and Sales

1 day ago
RE: Brand Coloring

I know that companies generally use colors to represent where they stand and how they want you to feel about the company. The best way to relate to this are actually flags and their colors. The United...

In forum Marketing and Sales

1 day ago
RE: Building marketing trust in medical devices: healthcare providers vs patients

I believe that medical device companies need to be as transparent as they can be as the devices are being used in humans. I had taken a bioethics class and understanding and talking your patient reall...

In forum Marketing and Sales

1 day ago
RE: Partnership characteristics

I can definitely understand the risks of going with a partner, but I do believe that would be the better path if you would want to potentially grow the business bigger. Even though ideologies can diff...

In forum Business 101

1 week ago
Sole Proprietorship or Partnership?

Congratulations! You are about to go out in the world and start your very own business. After hearing the risks and benefits of both a sole proprietorship and partnership, what type of business would ...

In forum Business 101

1 week ago
RE: Factors going into Buisness

I find that when most of us go into the work force, we look for the most amount of benefits and rewards for the job asking. I do believe that is a big part of the business and the type of people that ...

In forum Business 101

1 week ago
RE: Perception of QA/QC

I believe Quality Assurance and Quality Control are extremely important especially when it comes to medical devices as it is going into me, you, your loved ones, etc. I feel as though none of us want ...

In forum Quality Control and Quality Assurance

2 weeks ago
RE: Discussion Topic: The cost of Quality

I believe that quality should always come first when developing, building, all the way up to buying a product in the end. An example i can think of is let's say a company that creates pacemakers comes...

In forum Quality Control and Quality Assurance

2 weeks ago
RE: Quality To The Rescue

I totally agree with the points you state above, the last sentence really stood out to me though. I find that quality management can both limit problems from happening, but at the same time they could...

In forum Quality Control and Quality Assurance

2 weeks ago
RE: Role of Industry Standards for Regulatory

It is hard to say if the old way of doing things could be the best as we may never know what could be the best. If something works, and works extremely well, then why change it? I also feel like time ...

In forum Regulatory Basics for Medical Devices

4 weeks ago
RE: Product Labeling

I do not agree that the label should fall onto the store, I would suggest maybe distributing a laminated label for all produce to put up in the store. This could be costly but would be beneficial to a...

In forum Regulatory Basics for Medical Devices

4 weeks ago
RE: FDA rules too strict?

I feel as though the FDA is required to be strict in order to keep the public safe. If they loosen restrictions even a little bit, hundreds to thousands of new ideas would come through and may hurt/ b...

In forum Regulatory Basics for Medical Devices

4 weeks ago
RE: Animals used for research and for food

The animal industry does not have good light in either food or research. I feel as though the food industry has a bit of less negativity because animals go in, are euthanized, and do not do anything e...

In forum Pre-clinical Device Development

4 weeks ago
RE: Ethical Guidelines for Animal Use in Research

I am going to focus on, "Animals are sentient creatures with the capacity to feel pain, and the interests of animals must therefore be taken into consideration". In the old days, research was pretty b...

In forum Pre-clinical Device Development

4 weeks ago
RE: Animal Diversity in Pre-clinical Research

I believe that having biodiversity with clinic trials on different species of animals really solidify the research. I had just recently listened to a seminar on traumatic brain injuries and how to spe...

In forum Pre-clinical Device Development

4 weeks ago
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