
Active Member
Joined: Nov 4, 2016
Topics: 0 / Replies: 12
RE: Written Agreement v/s Verbal Agreement

If you are going to begin spending money and time on a project I would take the precautions of ensuring the agreement is written so if your funding de...

8 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Course conclusion and impressions

As an undergraduate student who is graduating next semester, I found this score extremely useful. This class was my first exposure to the field of ind...

8 years ago
RE: Organization Type vs. Effectiveness

As Saad has mentioned I feel for most companies matrix based organization would be the most beneficial. I say this because your resources (employees) ...

8 years ago
RE: Forming a Project Team

We can all agree that it would be ideal to have a knowledgeable team with a good relationship. However I feel as a project manager when picking a proj...

8 years ago
RE: Project Management Preferences

Both matrix and project based organizations have their advantages and disadvantages as a project manager. As a project manager I feel a significant fa...

8 years ago
RE: Risk management and Labels

I can understand where many of you in this discussion are coming from, however I am going to have to respectably disagree. Although it is the responsi...

8 years ago
RE: how far is "As Far As Possible"

At times it is very unlikely to be able to eliminate all risk in a medical device. The article posted above does a great job explaining what "as far a...

8 years ago
RE: Manage Risk

For low severity risks you are either going use acceptance or mitigation. You are going to have to determine if the benefit is worth the risk. If the ...

8 years ago
RE: Design Transfer

There has been very good points made as to the benefits of large and small companies outsourcing for their design transfer into manufacturing process....

8 years ago
RE: Making up tests for design verification and validation

The verification and validation reports provide evidence for a company that their product inputs will directly lead to the product output. In order to...

8 years ago
RE: Minutes for meetings

Although I have not yet been involved in a company meeting where meeting minutes were documented I can see why Dr. Simon has stressed the importance o...

8 years ago
RE: Consequences Of Insufficient Design Controls

As our classmates have previously mentioned lapses in the design control benefit no one and are just dangerous for the consumers. As a company manufac...

8 years ago