
Trusted Member
Joined: Sep 7, 2022
Last seen: Apr 23, 2023
Topics: 5 / Replies: 71
RE: Risk Management Team =/= Project Team

In a perfect world, this would not be an issue. However, the personal convictions and motivations of the risk management team can affect the validity ...

2 years ago
RE: Validation vs Verification

I currently work at an industrial manufacturer; I have had experience with both validation and verification during my short tenure at this job. We man...

2 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 377
RE: Minutes for meetings

As has been repeated time and time again, meeting minutes can save the team lots of trouble in terms of miscommunication, legal issues, and design tra...

2 years ago
RE: Design Controls

In order to ensure a high quality product; all projects would need to be properly documented and researched. Standards should be followed in order to ...

2 years ago
RE: Design "Overvalidation"?

I 1000% believe this occurs more often than we all think in every industry. At my previous job, I worked a lot with a certain ancient telecommunicatio...

2 years ago
RE: Double Blind Vs Single blind Study

A lot of studies have to deal with topics that may be controversial or at odds with some researchers & scientists. The reason these double and tri...

2 years ago
RE: Clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease

I did a term paper in my undergrad about this very subject. A lot of the current studies in this space are focused on early detection of precursor mar...

2 years ago
RE: New Drug/Device: A Clinical Trial is Limited?

I assume your question references the first round of commercial patients that the drug or device reaches. These people are indeed in a unique position...

2 years ago
RE: External Environment Factors

All companies have contingency plans in place to deal with internal and external factors that affect their marketing. Internally; a company should hav...

2 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: The Fifth "P" of Marketing

This is a bit more sinister than clever, but after the advent of data sharing and collection; all companies have access to our individual wants and de...

2 years ago
RE: Importance of building TRUST as a Sales Rep

I wholly agree that sales reps must build working relationships with customers. Without such relationships the sales rep cannot do their job. In theor...

2 years ago
RE: Can Companies Invest in Stock Market?

Continuing what @ag2357 said in their post; a lot of companies are built to trade shares using other people's money for a profit. These hedge funds ex...

2 years ago
RE: Accepting job based on company.

In all honesty it would depend on my current financial situation and whatever else I need to consider for that job. It definitely wouldn't make or bre...

2 years ago
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