Last seen: Apr 23, 2023
In a perfect world, this would not be an issue. However, the personal convictions and motivations of the risk management team can affect the validity ...
I currently work at an industrial manufacturer; I have had experience with both validation and verification during my short tenure at this job. We man...
As has been repeated time and time again, meeting minutes can save the team lots of trouble in terms of miscommunication, legal issues, and design tra...
In order to ensure a high quality product; all projects would need to be properly documented and researched. Standards should be followed in order to ...
I 1000% believe this occurs more often than we all think in every industry. At my previous job, I worked a lot with a certain ancient telecommunicatio...
A lot of studies have to deal with topics that may be controversial or at odds with some researchers & scientists. The reason these double and tri...
I did a term paper in my undergrad about this very subject. A lot of the current studies in this space are focused on early detection of precursor mar...
I assume your question references the first round of commercial patients that the drug or device reaches. These people are indeed in a unique position...
All companies have contingency plans in place to deal with internal and external factors that affect their marketing. Internally; a company should hav...
This is a bit more sinister than clever, but after the advent of data sharing and collection; all companies have access to our individual wants and de...
I wholly agree that sales reps must build working relationships with customers. Without such relationships the sales rep cannot do their job. In theor...
Continuing what @ag2357 said in their post; a lot of companies are built to trade shares using other people's money for a profit. These hedge funds ex...
In all honesty it would depend on my current financial situation and whatever else I need to consider for that job. It definitely wouldn't make or bre...