As Rashed mentioned, no medical device regulations whatsoever existed in India before 2005. It's pretty stunning to consider that such a large market ...
As Dave mentioned above, one essential aspect of allowing risky clinical trials is letting patients who are using them as a last resort go through wit...
We all agree that consent is incredibly important. However, when it comes to being paid for research, I think it is essential to consider the money in...
The biggest determining factor in performing a single or double-blind study is the feasibility of doing so. While a single-blind study is almost alway...
This comedy sketch illustrates a couple fundamental problems faced by many businesses, including those in the medical device development industry. Fir...
There's no fundamental difference between persuasion and manipulation, in my opinion, except for perhaps maliciousness. Under this way of looking at i...
I want to second Ronak in that it is unfair to compare a generic medical device company to a giant like Apple that makes products aimed at the general...
As Gabriel said, choosing a job can be difficult for newcomers. As such, a decision to join a company based on its specific characteristics is often a...
Intel, the well-known chipset manufacturer, has published the following metrics (all of which are TTM, or the "trailing twelve months" data). Intel h...
People generally don't think of corporations as "subchapter s" or "c-corps" primarily because most large corporations people see are C-Corporations. A...
Document control is also essential to prevent information loss. It’s not unheard of for a particularly knowledgeable employee’s loss (due to any reaso...
One common bias found in the business world is "Discounting the Future." This bias prevents people from seeing the value in future investments and cau...
I believe Scott's first point - that everyone must buy into a "culture" of quality - is extremely essential. A number of workplaces will have a "not m...
The FDA is responsible for ensuring the safety of biomedical devices that are available in the United States. Precision and accuracy are both factors ...
Cheaper medical device registrant fees are effectively subsidies to the medical device industry. The utility of such subsidies seems significantly hig...