I suppose it would depend on the sitution, if a stated specific agreement has to be met with legal implications and monatary value on the line then a ...
Correct, this is to impose and ensure ethical manners in the busniness world, even though the intentions may be well it still may lye other intenetion...
This course has been a great one, that taught me the ins and outs of the medical devices and the logistics behind it. i enjoyed the course a lot and l...
I still like the matrix organization, as it induces proper work flow and opens the fied for the employess to get the job done. Ideally if you would wa...
Well in the real world senerio you usually do not pick who you end up working with and it always best to work with those who have the right skill set ...
So the company I would like to be in is a matrix organization because a matrix organization is one that " brings together employees and managers from...
I do feel, though that prediction is the very crucial to the risk Management, as mangers like employs who are proactive and can spot mistakes and risk...
Involving in risk analysis is a serious task, and often requires a large amount of personnel working simultaneously to properly analyze the associated...
I agree with the last one in the sense that companies should, if they don't already do, perform risk analysis and risk management on the product all t...
I agree, essentially it is this, that a company should do what it reasonability can to ensure all risks are assessed and ensure no negligence is done ...
Hello, Good point, they should be quite detailed and yet not overly complicated as to confuse the reader, it is essentially a form of management tha...
A search revels "ISO 14971 is an ISO standard for the application of risk management to medical devices.The ISO Technical Committee responsible for th...
The risk assessment can differ from various ways, they typically may have someone who is acquainted with the field but look an analyze the device from...
Meeting minutes are import as a form of almost quality control for meetings; it’s a form of accountability and covering for everyone. As someone who i...
Hello, The meeting structure is very organized, with a moderator and someone taking notes to reference in later meetings who said what. It is essent...