There are design controls in most countries that design and manufacture medical devices. There are all specific to their particular country and must f...
One approach that I have seen companies marketing their product is through partnerships with larger more recognized companies. This allows for the pro...
In the industry there are indeed many products that can be discovered based on project needs. The Rees system is a product that is leaned about just b...
There are a lot of interesting points made above which made it hard to make a decision. But from my research I would go with an LLC. As a mid sized co...
Going through all the posts in this tread I agree with the majority of what everyone is saying- that I would not turn down a position based on the typ...
Public companies have shares that can be publicly traded in the stock market. Private companies do not have stock that can be publicly traded. One of ...
I think that inmost departments that are impacted by quality there is usually not enough focus on the big picture. In most departments the main focus ...
I currently work in manufacturing and everything we do is review by Quality. Our department has a good relationship with QA who reviews our batch reco...
The article I looked at stated that the IOM report on the 510(k) process contains broad recommendations that may have significant consequences and imp...
I read an article about some rumors that Apple is trying to come up with a watch that continuously measures the blood glucose level. In the early 2000...
Based on my research, the FDA started regulating tobacco in 2009 by the passage of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. What I found...
I do not have any personal experience working with a company where the study itself was outsourced but I do have experience seeing a vital part of th...
In the Industry research has a shorter time limit as there is time ticking and there is much more pressure on making it work as it has to be sold and ...
As mention, for testing in biocompatibility, the testing should follow ISO 10993. However, depending on the product there are various other testing th...
I had worked in a research lab on TBI when we used a blast tube to collect data on pressure being applied to the brain. One of the issues that we expe...