
Eminent Member
Joined: Sep 8, 2018
Topics: 0 / Replies: 33
RE: NDA vs Patents

Even though Non-Disclosure Agreement could have a perpetual time limit and should be theoretically protective to the commercial secrets between the tw...

6 years ago
RE: Restrictions for physician's gifts

I think most of these regulations mentioned regarding gift giving to physician are reasonable. The first topic I do feel a little bit rigid because it...

6 years ago
RE: Written Agreement v/s Verbal Agreement

I think there are some significant differences between Verbal Agreement & Oral Agreement. Let's firstly suppose we take the form of verbal agreeme...

6 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Your organizational type

Even though I haven't involved in any types of organizations mentioned in this week's course, I have a preference to choose project-based organization...

6 years ago
RE: Forming a Project Team

In terms of forming a project team, I think it's important to always find people who are qualified enough to participate their roles in the project, a...

6 years ago
RE: Project Management Preferences

To start with the question: would it be more challenging to work as a project manager in either Matrix or Project-based organization? I think it will ...

6 years ago
RE: Risk Identification

To identify and prioritize the risks for a project, you need to start with looking up in the design history files for other similar projects for refer...

6 years ago
RE: Risk Management Mistakes

These are very common causes for risk management mistakes. But in essence, these mistakes are due to lack of comprehensive knowledge of risk managemen...

6 years ago
RE: How to run a risk management meeting ?

To run a risk management meeting, always follow the cycle of assess-evaluate-manage-measure. First thing you should do is to have quality member gathe...

6 years ago
RE: Design Review Meetings

Design review meetings are very necessary for ensuring that the present design meets the project objectives, because without doing so, nobody would at...

6 years ago
RE: Deviations That Occurs During Verification

If the deviation happens, firstly we need to locate which one or multiple parts could possibly contribute to the failure of verification. This is very...

6 years ago
RE: Important Part of DDP

For Design Development Plan (DDP), I think the two most important parts are quality management plan and scope management plan. Because the quality man...

6 years ago
RE: Why VERIFICATION is important? and Your ideas to improve Verification process ?

Verification is one of the most important steps in the design control, that it not only can address the questions of whether this is effective enough ...

6 years ago
RE: Minutes for meetings

The minutes in the meetings are very important because of they often specify how the team members are assigned their works and the deadlines, so that ...

6 years ago
RE: What are Design Controls?

Design Control is a broad definition of illustrating how you monitor the design process before it goes to the FDA for auditing. There are overall 9 fi...

6 years ago
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