Last seen: Dec 1, 2024
From my understanding, if a study is properly designed with an actual placebo control group and a treatment group, and the treatment provided to the t...
Environmental factors can play a huge role in clinical trials, creating effects that wouldn't be seen until a larger role out happens and post market ...
Placebo must be controlled at the group level in order to ensure results are not biased because of it. One group should be set aside and receive place...
One of the best marketing methods I have seen in the past few years has been on a weekly comedy podcast I listen to, Bill Burr's Monday Morning Podcas...
I have been working as an engineer in neuroimaging research for the past 5 years, and having a good relationship with sales rep has been a great boon ...
A hard to quantify method of marketing that I have usually had great interactions with is word of mouth. I was in the market for a new car recently, a...
Both smaller and larger companies can offer great benefits for fresh graduates. Starting at a large company, you may have to start off with a lesser t...
While research labs may have more room for creativity and freedom, I believe there is some downside to this that corporations can avoid. In previous l...
I do believe that engineering students should be required to take at least one or two courses on businesses and how they are run. Similar to quality c...
People that complain about the cost of quality have equivalents in every step of the process. For example, during development supervisors may suggest ...
Regulation and Quality are 2 separate, but equally important processes of the medical device field. Government regulation is more concerned with devic...
Before this lecture, I had a vague perception of quality being kind of an afterthought. This lecture has shone a light on how involved and important q...
There is no way to avoid some amount of bias in any regulatory body. Because of the very nature of their purpose, most employees of a regulatory agen...
Human differences are not only a fact of the regulatory field, but a simple fact of human life. Being able to not only navigate differences in persona...
At first thought, I kind of had the same reaction you did to a career in regulatory, meaning it didn't hold much appeal. But after thinking about it, ...