Meeting minutes are important. You possibly can't remember everything in the meeting and your personal notes will only show the thoughts you had in yo...
When making any schedule, it is important to note the schedule of other people who are involved inn the project. It is important to keep in mind that ...
I think that having double blind experiments are beneficial in their way since it reduces the possibility of a bias from both the subject and the admi...
Consent, in terms of medical trials and treatment, is important because of the possibility of law suits and numerous liability reasons. In terms of po...
Placebo trials are important because they create a data point which can be used as a comparison point for the results of the other administered trials...
Manipulation and persuasion differ where manipulation leads the consumer to a decision that they may or may not agree with while persuasion allows the...
Emotional Intelligence is someone’s ability to recognize and understand others’ emotions and project theirs onto others. There are various exams that ...
Hyping up a product is an important factor in producing a successful medical product release. Good information must be released in order to increase s...
There are many benefits of becoming a corporation over an LLC. Mainly, with the form of a corporation, it would be individually advantageous to become...
Costco Wholesale Corp. ROE (Return on Equity: indicative of the return with each shareholder’s equity) – 21.86% For the past 3 years, according to I...
I believe that the most important aspect of an effective quality control program is to have a clear line of communication between all sides who are wo...
There are always people who exist who have contrary views with anything. It is true that it is better to prevent than to cure. It falls true for medic...
Quality and R&D are sections of a company that have different goals. R&D focuses on the advancement of the technology to develop a better prod...
An antibiotic-releasing hip stem would count as a combination device since it has the characteristics of a drug and a device. However, since its prima...
Very recently, Maquet IABPs were recalled from the market due to “false blood detection alarm and ingress of fluid in IABP” [1]. The recall, classifie...