Rules are to be properly formed. It is good that they don't need to give a gift that would be out of education. But there is no necessity in keeping t...
Depending upon the states even the law enforcement differs. Each and every state has its own policies with Non Compete enforcement. The court expects...
I worked on a collaborative project between a biometrics firm and a computer vision laboratory. Most of the R&D work was done by the lab. My proje...
In total agreeance with Adrian and amandaally1029. I also believe that the process of collaboration and working environment matters a lot than the org...
I believe that the strategy is to manage resources based on needs and good planning as well. However, I agree with sa596's answer. If the project mana...
Acceptance can be done for low severity risks because since the risks are low accepting and taking chances to get the benefits would be good. Avoidanc...
Instructions, labelling a medical device try to tell the users how to use or operate the product. So it is important that users read them carefully. T...
Risk analysis, risk identification should be done at all points in the product develepoment. It should not be considered as separate task that should ...
Device like thermometer, gauze piece, micropores are used outside the body. Only verification and validation is sufficient for these devices and clini...
Gantt chart is very important which defines the rough time of project execution and also documents the outlines involved in the process. It is a sched...
I feel all the steps in DDP is equally important.It is difficult to say which one them has more weightage than the rest. Communication management plan...
I agree with rd389 and Ibraheem shaikh with regards to respecting a person's consent. Nowadays, IBR makes it a must for potential participants to be b...
I agree with dipanpatel regarding the ownership of IP. I also believe in having a good lawyer to have a look at the agreement before they go onboard t...
In your case, Let us say that there is a new pill developed to treat Alzheimer's. In the clinical trials, generally with an existing medicine or place...
Unlike many consumer products, MedTech companies cannot employ same strategies to promote their products. One serious way that can attract many physic...