
Eminent Member
Joined: Sep 11, 2019
Last seen: Jan 27, 2020
Topics: 0 / Replies: 42
RE: FDA rules too strict?

Yes, I do believe that the FDA rules are too strict, but in my opinion, it is needed as here we are dealing with products/things/food which directly a...

5 years ago
RE: Drugs banned in US but not in other countries

There are many such drugs like that. For instance, DISPRIN( a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) is banned in US since 2002 as it can lead to sever...

5 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Make a few, sell a few

There will be a lot of hurdles coming on the way to develop a medical device. The most primary one will be the approach to the FDA approval and the cl...

5 years ago
RE: Research for the Fututre or Now?

I feel both the discoveries are important at their place but I would like to contribute to the research whose results are produced right away and whic...

5 years ago
RE: This vs That

I believe its all about the passion one has over choosing either of the track. As talked by Dr. Simon in the lecture video, both of them have their ow...

5 years ago
RE: Ethics of Animal Testing

I believe animal testing is necessary for some of the trials, where it apparently becomes unavoidable without them. However it should be limited to fe...

5 years ago
RE: How do you identify or become a good project manager?

I think a good project manager should be interested in the work he/she is assigned into. Apart from being responsible, knowledgeable, clarity of thou...

5 years ago
RE: Project Manager Experiences

I have worked with 2 kinds of project managers during my tenure in IT industry. The first manager was very laid back and he did not used to bother muc...

5 years ago
RE: Multiple Project Managers for one project

I had worked for an IT company and in my project there were multiple project managers, each one responsible for a specific task of their own team. I ...

5 years ago
RE: Thoughts on BS, MS, and PhD in BME

I think its absolutely necessary to do a bachelor's in BME exclusively (not some other program like electrical, mechanical, electronics,etc. though pe...

5 years ago
RE: Thoughts on BME degree, "a little of everything"

I strongly agree with the thought that BME is "a little of everything" which has it's own pros and cons. But I believe it all depends upon the track w...

5 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Practical vs. Informational courses

I believe the ratio should be 50:50 if not 60:40, where the former being the practical course and the latter being the informational course. I believe...

5 years ago
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