From my experiences determining the duration of each task is highly important. Through past projects within industry, I have found that project manag...
I fully agree with this. There are various test that can be done to physically test a device. Instron testing to test mechanical properties, environ...
To have an adequate Design Control System - one that will pass audits at the minimum, you must have Design Inputs, Design Outputs, Verification, Valid...
I recently went through an internal audit in which we reviewed the DHF of one of our product lines. There was heavy debate on information within the D...
I don't believe it is completely necessary to have a clinical background to work in this field. To say you need have a clinical background for a role...
From a Big Pharma standpoint in terms of clinical research, it is very money driven and results driven. For example, for a double blind test, the int...
SWOT Analysis for Boston Scientific - Boston Scientific is a global developer of interventional medical devices that target cardiac rhythm management...
I feel this video clearly depicts that there tends to be disconnect from the customer and the supplier. I believe most of this can either be attribut...
In China, the country offers Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises. This is the most popular form of incorporation of foreign companies in China. WFOE al...
Depends. If you are looking to work in medical devices and it is a well established company such as a conglomerate like Johnson and Johnson, then you...
As many have mentioned, it highly depends on what type of business you are trying to conduct. If I was creating a tech start up I would most likely g...
What if your favorite company pertains to a cryptocurrency? Can I discuss my evaluation on that?
Interesting that you say "some auditors have the mindset that they must issue an observation or a finding before leaving a plant." I believe ALL audi...