
Eminent Member
Joined: Jan 20, 2017
Topics: 0 / Replies: 33
RE: Engineer vs. Manager

I would rather be an engineer for a good number of years before considering trying to become a manager. It all comes down to you want the extra respon...

8 years ago
RE: Why do people leave work?

I agree with the class on this topic. There are a number of people who will stay at a job even if they don't like it if it is stable. But there are a ...

8 years ago
RE: Disconnect in rewarding motivation

The disconnect of being rewarded for compliance is fairly standard in industry. They may stress the importance of teamwork and having a common goal bu...

8 years ago
RE: Let's Be Motivated!!!

Motivation is very important to a project manager and their team. The project manager should be able to get the team excited or inspired to make progr...

8 years ago
RE: Why do people work?

The study does make sense. Often times people do not end up doing the exact job they wanted to do. They may have to settle for what is stable. In doin...

8 years ago
RE: What’s Your Motivator?

I am most motivated by being able to help out others and answer questions. That is, I know that if I perform at my best, learning as much as I can and...

8 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Scope creep....when your project changes

For one of my graduate classes, we were given the opportunity to research one question about traumatic brain injury that we had. It started with a bro...

8 years ago
RE: Procurement Management

Personally I have no experience with procuring materials, however I know an admistrator of senior medical daycare who deals with a budget set by the s...

8 years ago
RE: Integration PM

For my senior project in my undergrad, I had to develop a Speech recognition MATLAB code. This involved taking several of samples of identifiable vowe...

8 years ago
RE: Ideal PM Processes vs. Real life

In my opinion, those general processes are the intent or basis for any project. Of course not everything works out like that in real life. A project m...

8 years ago
RE: Design Review Meeting Culture

Working in manufactoring, especially with new automation technology, it is interesting to see the culture of how things changed to improve. For one, i...

8 years ago
RE: FDA Recall...Now What?

At the point of an FDA recall, yes I agree that a change notice must be had to fix the issue as soon as possible to make the product acceptable and sa...

8 years ago
RE: Monitoring & Controlling Techniques

In addition to monitoring the costs and variances of a project, it is also very important to monitor all of the documentation and the lessons learned....

8 years ago
RE: Work Logs and FDA Audits

Keeping work logs and all the proper documentation is important for projects and even after a project is closed and moved on to the next phase. I do n...

8 years ago
RE: Importance of Logging Work

Logging information is essential for progress in a project. Working in automation, we keep daily fault logs for the computer system and the robot erro...

8 years ago
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