Hello everyone,
I have noticed how Dr. Simon keeps pointing out to importance of taking minutes in all the meeting of the team. I never really thought of how important they are. Before this, when I was in meetings and the minutes were sent to my email afterwards, I would quickly read the minutes but with not much attention as they should get. In this post I would like to discuss its importance. Probably some of you have had experiences where the minutes have got you out of trouble.
Thank you
Roberto Pineda.
I tend to be a writer. At all meetings I attend, for personal reasons, you name it -- I am always engaged in some sort of note-taking. It tends to be one of those things most people hate to do, but I enjoyed it so much, it served to help me get elected as recording secretary in my sorority. Why take notes? It is your record of events. It should be clear and detailed enough that any member to go back and read those minutes and have no doubts concerning what was discussed and even voted upon at the meeting.
Thank you @rgb29 for bringing this conversation to the forefront. As a secretary to a nonprofit organization, I can attest to how important it is to take accurate minutes of the proceedings of meetings and the importance of minutes. I also cannot tell you how many times we've gone over information in one meeting and in the following meeting unless the minute to read information is rehashed and re-litigated. It saves time and money by having cogent minutes that are readily available for every member of the organization to be able to review and understand the processes of the meetings at hand. This is especially important when you're thinking about long-term projects and a potential for roadblocks. Documenting the actions taken at that specific time could be crucial to understanding the process and not repeating mistakes. It's also provides a historical outline for the benefit of the members so they can understand what challenges and organization was facing at any given specific time. I'm very meticulous when I take minutes and I make sure that all the information that has been provided in a meeting and everything that is worth noting is written. The minutes are a record of everything that is proper to be written and gives guidance to any leader ship all the proceedings at that place and at that time within the lifecycle of the organization. It's also a manifest of set goals and tasks yet accomplished. I cannot stress how important it is to have a good secretary as well that will document the minutes of your organization with great detail. One of the first things we do when we start a meeting is to read the minutes from the last stated communication to be read for information purposes only and at the end of the meeting we read the minutes of the current meeting and look to discover any errors or omissions in a minutes as read, including any financial reports. We also use Roberts rules of order to be able to delineate what's important to be written and what isn't, so if any motions on the floor or questions were to arise, all of that information would be properly written in a report available for future generations to glean from and expand upon.
The importance of taking minutes for meetings is not only to keep those who were not able to attend abreast of what is going on in the company but also to keep documentation f what is discussed during meetings and hold others accountable for their responsibilities. The meetings for design controls specifically keep everyone on task when one phase ends and another is about to begin. There can be intermediate meetings to make sure the team as a whole is staying on schedule. These minutes inform team members of responsibilities during a project and inform team leaders of any potential delays in the project. These delays can include a lack of materials, a necessary change in the design of a device, or a time to ask questions about the manufacturing process happening simultaneously.
Minutes are very important. Especially on a day when you're just out of sorts. Even before zoom people would zone out on meetings, make lists to get them through the rest of the day, plan dinner, etc. It usually isn't until a co-worker who was also in the meeting asks/comments about what was said do you think, "Let me go read what I missed." And even if you are very attentive that day, having many issues on the floor will have you missing notes. So to alleviate all of the headache of missing information minutes are there to save us everytime.
I believe that minutes of a meeting are important because it is a very detailed and organized document that entails everything discussed. The meeting could mention how the company is implementing a new procedure soon and that everyone needs a certain type of training. That piece of information is important for everyone to know, and it should not be left to hear say. If the minutes of the meeting are documented and available, the person who missed the meeting could read over the minutes and get a full grasp of what was discussed. I have experience with this because I do not work everyday of the week, and some of those days I miss very important meetings because I was off. It is helpful when I have the minutes of that meeting available to me so I can know exactly what was discussed and what I missed.
Meeting minutes serve as an official record of the proceedings that took place. Not only does it keep people in the loop that missed the meeting, but also it also serves as a place of reference when needed. On would assume that in the medical device industry, meeting minutes would be of great use in the planning phases. Since generally in the planning phase, many changes occur, this document would house all of the plans and changes proposed. Another phase where meeting minutes would be extremely helpful is when the design controls are being developed. The meeting minutes would clarify how, when, why, and by whom decisions were made.
Hello everyone,
I have noticed how Dr. Simon keeps pointing out to importance of taking minutes in all the meeting of the team. I never really thought of how important they are. Before this, when I was in meetings and the minutes were sent to my email afterwards, I would quickly read the minutes but with not much attention as they should get. In this post I would like to discuss its importance. Probably some of you have had experiences where the minutes have got you out of trouble.
Thank you
Roberto Pineda.
minutes from meetings are important for a few reason. It help those who weren't able to attend the meeting to know what happen. It also serves as a record of events that took place that help be helping in the future when solving a problem. An example of this would be if 23 year ago there was a big internal issues that threating the life of the company and they team at that time was just barley able to solve that problem at that time in the meeting. If the same kind of problem happens again at the current time they won't have to stress over it as badly because they have a detailed recorded of how a team 23 years ago solved the problem/
Meeting minutes are great to help keep track of team members tasks. I remember working on a design project with three other students for one of my courses, and I often logged what was discussed to prevent us from getting mixed up about who was working on what. It's great to keep track as well as hold team members accountable in case an issue arises during the project. The minutes are also useful for laying out the timeline of the project, so they could be useful to share with incoming engineers who need to familiarize themselves with the project.
Meeting minutes are written accurate accounts of the proceedings that take place at the meeting. They are used to record important details and decisions of the meeting. People can often look back at the minute meetings to review what was said in the meeting. They help prevent any disagreement or misunderstandings in the future. They are considered a form of legal document by auditors and IRS, so if anything goes wrong they know who to hold accountable. I remember when i was working on one of my projects in my Undergraduate degree I used to look back at the meeting minutes to confirm the decisions that were made during the meeting.
I think the importance of meeting minutes depends on how heavily involved you are in that project. I receive meeting minutes for a variety of meetings: some that I sit in on, some that I actively participate in, and some that I lead myself. While I do find myself ignoring meeting minutes for meetings that I do not need for my day to day tasks, it is helpful to have record of it in the chance that I need to refer to a a specific piece of information. As for the meetings I am more involved in, it definitely is helpful to have the minutes especially if I cannot make it to the meeting due to a conflict since I can catch up by reviewing the main points. In the corporate world meeting conflicts are far more common than I expected so there missing meetings is very a very common practice.
My experience dealing with meeting minutes stems from clubs. I would expect these to have similar structures to those taken from medical device development teams. The purpose of minutes is to write a detailed explanation of every meeting, design alteration, or milestone that can be used in the future. The date, ideas and feedback with the person’s name, and sudden changes to the schedule, are just a few critical elements that should be included. As a whole, anything that is spoken about, should be recorded.
I too did not think much of meeting minutes as well. However once I began working on my capstone project and my team and I were constantly in meetings, I quickly learned how important meeting minutes are. It is extremely naive to go into a meeting and think that you will remember everything that was said, especially when discussing a complex project. I was the designated person to take notes during meetings and would often times have to interrupt the meeting to ask someone to repeat what they said to ensure I typed it our correctly. Not only are meeting minutes helpful in keeping track of any deadline changes, but they are extremely useful when having to refer back to design changes and issues. I have always had to refer back to meeting minutes because of how many changes I had to make and the complexity regarding those changes. These meeting minutes are also useful to address any major issues/topics in the following meeting. Meeting minutes are a great document for everyone to refer back to to ensure that everyone is on the same page of agreed upon plans and executions.
I think this is very interesting topic of discussion as its applicable to majority of the students as at some point they will have to worry about meeting minutes. In my opinion I think they should be based on individual basis in the sense that, I should take my own notes in the meeting as I am responsible for some part since I have accepted or was told to accept the meeting. Additional from my past experiences only certain portion of the meeting is relevance to you, unless you are a key stake holder therefore the idea of taking notes on your own makes sense to me. This allows everyone to be more accountable and the company doesn't have to utilize resources just for meeting minutes.
I definitely agree on the importance of taking minutes in a meeting. It proves beneficial when your team or department has several ongoing projects or multiple deadlines coming up and meetings have to cover all these tasks and responsibilities. You do not want any miscommunication on who needs to complete a specific task or when a specific task needs to be completed or if there were any changes or setbacks to a project. Minutes help to ensure that everyone has an idea of where the teams’ projects currently stand and how responsibilities have been delegated.
Meeting minutes are indeed a significant element of the device's design change and development process. The value of meeting minutes varies depending on where you are in the medical device development cycle. When design changes or design review meetings take place and changes are adopted, it's crucial to keep track of who was present and who consented to the change. It's also worth noting if marketing, quality, regulatory, and, of course, R&D directors have any input. Documenting changes is done in this section because it keeps track of when something was modified, why it was altered, and who was involved in the update.