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Organization types of medical devices?

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I think if I were to start up a company, I would try to go with a structure similar to the divisional market based org structure. As stated in the article, this is structured for a specific niche of market, such as a medical device. Medical devices do not reach out to much of the general market, but for the sake fo the medical market, it would be beneficial. Also, according to the cons for the structure, with something as specific as medical devices, the problems concerning autonomy are less likely to occur.

Posted : 27/11/2016 12:59 pm
Posts: 15
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In my opinion, it depends on the goal of the company, as well as the size. A small company may function best as a functional organization. That way, every employee has their own department focus. A smaller company may not have many projects going on at once. Therefore, a functional organization may be most suitable in this case. As the company expands, inevitably there will be work on even more projects. As such, it may be beneficial to have someone from one department work on a project from other departments, as well as focus on their own. This allows the company to fuse everyone's talents on different projects to reach the best results.

Therefore, I agree with what some people have said on this thread that for startup companies it may be best to have a functional organization. However, the bigger the company, the better option may be to have a matrix organization for the company.

Posted : 27/11/2016 2:54 pm
Posts: 54
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I agree with you, I also prefer the Functional organization if you are starting up a company. Yes matrix organization seems a lot more helpful, let's say some is stuck and needs help there are many people who can help them. However there are many strict guidelines and challenges if you are just starting up. In Matrix organization there are many managers and employee may have to report to different managers. Another major issue is communicating, because sometimes people can take forever to respond. It makes more sense for larger companies who have been in the market to have a matrix organization, not small companies who are just starting off.

Posted : 27/11/2016 5:35 pm
Posts: 4
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I would choose a matrix organization. While a functional organization may seem to be the better choice with less employees, there is not a rule saying that a single person cannot take on more than one role if/when necessary. A matrix organization makes it easier for knowledge to be transferred among teams. It also works well if the company (hopefully) grows, and there wouldn't be a need to drastic organizational changes. From the employee standpoint, being exposed to multiple departments on a regular basis would be great

Posted : 27/11/2016 5:44 pm
Posts: 37
Eminent Member

I would choose to startup the company with a Matrix organization. This type of structure would be the most beneficial because the project manager himself can choose employees from different departments—those who would be the most qualified for the particular task. Hence, the Matrix organization is well-balanced and allows for more flexibility because it allows the company to share resources. This not only benefits the team, but it benefits the entire company. If there are issues that arise, the team members and/or project manager can report to their functional managers. This would allow for an integrated environment, better communication, and a better work ethic throughout the departments in order to avoid delays in their work. Also, since there are two leaders in charge, the decision making process becomes much more balanced.

Posted : 27/11/2016 6:06 pm
Posts: 117
Estimable Member

I agree with many of the posts above regarding the benefits of matrix organizations. I think this is the structure that I would choose. To reinforce what was already mentioned, I believe that this is the structure that fosters collaboration the best. I think it is very important that there are distinct departments, but also I think it is great that project teams are composed of resources from every department. It gives the employee the opportunity to work with other departments and get a much broader experience rather than being stuck in a department and working with the same people on every project. At the same time, the employee can reach out to others in his/her department for advice when needed.

Posted : 22/11/2017 4:46 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

If I were to start up a medical device company, I will choose matrix type organization. One of the reasons is that because the matrix structure is more dynamic because it allows employees to communicate more readily across the boundaries, creating a good, cooperative, work environment which helps to integrate the organization. Moreover,employees can broaden their skills and knowledge areas by participating in different kinds of projects. The matrix structure provides a good environment for professionals to learn and grow their careers.

Posted : 23/11/2017 11:04 am
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

When dealing with a medical device company, the best way to form the company would be through the marriage of a matrix organization and a geographical organizational structure. Because this company is providing products throughout the world, there must be several divisional heads set up. Additionally, medical device companies have several branches that need to be looked at in order to fully operate. There must be divisions of research, marketing, sales, and quality assurance. Each of these are vital components of the overall company. These divisions must work cohesively to provide an end product that will be successful. The flexibility and balanced company approach of a matrix organization is vital to company success.

Posted : 24/11/2017 9:59 am
Posts: 43
Eminent Member

I would choose Matrix Organization for a startup medical device company that will function worldwide because of its flexibility to drawing employees from different functional disciplines for assignment to a team without removing them from their respective positions. It is good in terms of large and long time projects management. Employees in a matrix organization report on day-to-day performance to the project or product manager whose authority flows sideways across departmental boundaries.
Matrix organization is also have good management of resources, no department or project silos and knowledge transfers well from project to project and between departments.

Posted : 26/11/2017 4:42 pm
Posts: 43
Eminent Member

I would prefer to have a matrix organization because :

Assets are utilized effectively and can move around between projects as required. You can chip away at loads of various things, once in a while in parallel—despite the fact that this point can be contended as a disservice too. Groups and people can be extremely responsive. In the event that another project goes along that needs to take need, it's sufficiently simple to turn and all of a sudden concentrate on something unique. You can't do that effectively in a project structure, which takes more time to disband and regroup. The structure requires that everybody utilize a similar project administration life cycle and system, so moving between projects is simple. Individuals can join a project group with moderately small onboarding required when the phrasing and procedures are normal.

Posted : 26/11/2017 5:10 pm
Posts: 40
Eminent Member

I would consider choosing matrix organization for my company. Matrix organization has given successful results in managing the project. It gives better allotment of resources. There will be knowledge transfer between the departments. Matrix organization helps in a more effective way of running a project.

Posted : 26/11/2017 6:30 pm
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

I will choose matrix organization definitely.

The matrix developed as a natural evolution of organizational structures in answer to a very definite real-world need. The need was for an organizational form capable of managing the recent very large and very complex programs, projects, and problems, and for managing limited resources. The conventional hierarchical management organization could not cope with the added complexity and the enormous amount of information that had to be processed, and conventional management theory was of little help in solving these new and unique problems.

The primary reason for adopting the matrix in a large organization can be pinpointed in the fact that functions and skills are fragmented throughout the organizational structure. Individual functional departments have great difficulty in solving very large problems because of a failure to view the total system and a tendency to sub-optimize or solve the problem within their particular discipline. According to an old aerospace cliche, “An engineer attacks every problem as if it had an engineering solution.” How few of today’s big civil and social problems have purely technical solutions?

Posted : 27/11/2017 1:23 pm
Posts: 69
Trusted Member

I would choose matrix for a medical device company because it is flexible to pick members for the project without having to fully remove them from throt positions. The employees must report everyday to the manager and this allows for the manager to know what is going on everyday. Matrix organization is also have good management of resources, no department or project silos and knowledge transfers well from project to project and between departments. This type of organization is good for long term projects.

Posted : 03/12/2017 3:16 pm
Posts: 109
Estimable Member

The reason for choosing the matrix in an organization is that functions and skills are fragmented throughout the organizational structure. Individual functional departments may face difficulties in solving very large problems because of a failure to view the total system and a tendency to sub-optimize or solve the problem within their particular discipline. The matrix was a logical development. The principal need is for an organizational structure that can handle the great complexity of a multidisciplinary , the matrix meets a number of well-defined needs. In matrix ,resources can be used efficiently, employees are in contact with many people, which enhances motivation and decision making ability in employees.

Posted : 22/11/2018 10:09 am
Posts: 53
Trusted Member

For a startup company, I would probably choose a Project-based organization. Since the startup would be focused on only one product, having a team of individuals that are all working together benefits the culture of the business. The company would go through the normal forming, norming, storming, and performing routine as a regular project-based organization with the cohesiveness of a functioning team. All the information would be shared and the culture of the team will be the culture of the company. Since this is a startup, I would change the name of the organizational structure to "Product"-based organization. As long as this company is working on the product, this team will be together.

Posted : 25/11/2018 10:34 am
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