Although science has been around for a while, technology is something that has been evolving in the past 20 years. Pre-clinical is very important to every and any kind of medical research. But what is also important is ethics behind animal testing. Some organizations like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are fighting for stopping animal testing. PETA and other organizations like this believe it is cruel to perform on animals and use them for science. Although they do help us have better medications and medical devices, they are dying for the name of science. Do you think this is unethical? Are there alternatives?
Numerous medical research foundations make utilization of non-human animals as guineas pigs. Animals might be liable to experimentation or changed into conditions valuable for picking up learning about human sickness or for testing potential human medicines. Since animals as inaccessible from people as mice and rats share numerous physiological and hereditary similitudes with people, animal experimentation can be massively useful for facilitating medical science.
In any case, there is a continuous open deliberation about the morals of animal experimentation. A few people contend that all animal experimentation should end since it isn't right to regard animals only as devices for encouraging learning. As indicated by this perspective, an animal ought to have as much great person to experience a full life, free of agony and enduring. Others contend that while it isn't right to superfluously manhandle animals, animal experimentation must proceed with as a result of the huge logical asset that animal models give.
On nearer examination, there exists an extensive variety of positions on the level headed discussion over the morals of animal testing. The two perspectives specified above speak to two normal positions at the contradicting closures of the range. Others embrace a view nearer to the center of the range. For the most part, this center view acknowledges experimentation on a few, yet not all, animals and intends to evade superfluous utilization of animals in logical research by seeking after other options to animal testing.
Animal models are critical to the advancement of science. They are employed in the development of drugs, vaccines, and even medical devices. They have been used for hundreds of years and will be used for hundreds of years to come. However, there is hope with the development of more powerful computers and modeling software, renewable cell lines, and more sophisticated ex-vivo models. I believe that with time, animal testing will diminish, but I do not believe it will ever be completely eliminated as it is an extremely powerful tool in the development of new technologies, biopharmaceuticals, and devices.
I consider it ethical to experiment on animals if the tests are done in the name of medicine.Experimenting on animals is often the best or only option in order to test new medicines or treatments. Without animal testing, it would be much more difficult to undertake experiments, and would slow the development of potentially life saving medicines. Furthermore, animal testing can also alert us to dangerous side effects of many products that might otherwise go unnoticed until it is too late. The National Research Council's Guide to the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals is the most popular guidelines used by big biomedical research companies. These regulations as well as some more ensure humane treatment to the animals that are test on.
I totally understand where this question arises from. Until we find another alternative, the only two options left are humans and animals. The objective of pre-clinical study is to find a solution i.e, a drug or a new device for humans (in general). There is also certain aspects of ethics during pre-clinical trials such as GLP without which it is tough get an FDA approval. Furthermore, from a company's perspective, it's much more economical to do an animal study first and prove the drug or vaccine or a new device is working well rather than spending millions of dollars on human subjects.
When I was in middle school I was in a debate on whether it was “good” to test on animals. At a young age, I saw how mean it was and decided that I was entirely against it. That there was other models and studies that could be used to replace these studies. As an adult, I have realized that its many cases it is extremely necessary to conduct these experiments. I believe that it should be limited and must be seriously proven on why these studies are needed before they are conducted. Also as tissue engineering continues to develop I believe that one day the engineered tissues can replace testing on animal.
I do believe animal testing is a bit unethical, it is something that would be difficult to eliminate. As already mentioned animal models have been used extensively in various testings for drugs and medical device. Considerable effort would be needed to try to find an alternative to animal testing.
As far as science goes there is still no alternative to animal testing. There are animal model available and being currently developed but if you see the from bio chemical prospective which is a mystery in itself. If company develops a drug or bio-material than without animal testing its almost impossible to identify how would they react within the body until and unless tried on animal. Animals model at present have not been so far develope to identify this aspects. But ya as far as possible scientist must be and should be avoiding animal experiments as far as possible but to completely stop animal trial is really dangerous.
I do think that animal testing is unethical, but it will be difficult to eliminate. As mentioned in this thread animal testing has been successfully used for many years and there isn't an obvious way to replace them. I think a lot of effort will be required to find an alternative method and will take some time to develop. I think until we can find a way to replace animal testing we need to continue animal testing while also maximizing the efficacy of the testing process.
As of now, animal testing is the closest we can get when it comes to testing new medicines, vaccines or medical devices on a living subject before moving on to actual human subjects. This is due to the limitations in our current technology and mathematical methodologies which we use to simulate changes in a system. For example, in one of the BME 382, Simulink is used to simulate organ systems in the body; however, there are too many assumptions incorporated with this method because this computer-based models use mathematical functions/methodologies. And, these mathematical functions have restrictions of their own which becomes more complicated when put together in one system. But with the rise of various techniques in recreating/mimicking organs through stem cells, I believe animal testing will soon be a thing of a past.
I agree with your point that as the technology exponentials grow the power of simulations and computer added testing will be very close to reality. But in my opinion animal testing, even in the future, you speak of will still exist. It does not matter how close one gets to realistic result, the computer can be 99.9% accurate but it is still not 100% or reality. Yes, the volume of testing will decrease but the final test right before human testing will always have an animal or maybe specially engineered testing organism. Scientifically, we would not have to test on the organism. However, as humans, we want assurance even at the cost of others.
While we are organisms of compassion, we are also organisms of advancement. With the need to advance, sometimes the compassion is cast aside in the name of science. In the case of live animal studies, it is sometimes necessary to closely imitate how medical research will fare in the human body. However, it does not completely justify the pain that these animals undergo. The lives of animals should be treated with the respect of all living things. The use of live animals for medical studies should only be allowed if there is no other way to test something in research. Animal testing should not be used for procedures that are purely cosmetic, but with something to potentially heal a medical issue, it is needed until further engineering creates virtual testing or tissue engineering testing.
It's unethical but was the best method until recent when computer models are developed to simulate human biology. Animals like mice and rats share many physiological and genetic similarities with humans, animal experimentation can be tremendously helpful for furthering medical science. Rats are killed by people when found inside our house, Isn't that unethical? We feed on animals everyday, chickens, turkeys, cows, sheep, and even hunters go into the bushes and kill wild animals for eating purposes, Isn't that also unethical?
On the other hand, there are alternatives method to animal testing, like sophisticated tests using human cells and tissues (also known as in vitro methods), advanced computer-modeling techniques and studies with human volunteers. Some Pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, and others have started cell-based tests and tissue models can be used to assess the safety of drugs, chemicals, cosmetics, and consumer products.
Doing a research by using animal model may be cruel, but we do not have other options which are better than this one. Maybe in the future, people can make some biological robot which can be used in the biology research. Or maybe in the future, people can print out organs by using 3D print and then we can use these organs in the study. But we need time to make these things happen.
We are enjoying a better quality of life and the subsequent development of new medicines and treatments through animal research. Animal testing is necessary in some studies because some animals have same physiological and genetic behavior as humans. Some people believe that animal have full right of life so animal experimentation should be ended but others believe that although animal experimentation is wrong but we can’t neglect the useful information derived from animal testing helping for advancing medical science . Animals must be used for research in an ethical framework because they can feel the pain and pleasure. One view is if animal doesn’t have anatomy and capabilities as humans only then it can be used for research process. The middle ground is animal experiments should be carried out only if there is no alternative . There should be best possible treatment for animals used in study .All the information derived from the study must be useful. There should be proper use of anesthesia and there should be proper training for handling animals in laboratory.
The development of alternative methods like human robot and methods for engineering tissue samples are intended to replaces the animal animal testing as it is reduces the time and cost and number of animal used in research.