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Potential PM?

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From all of the knowledge we have gained throughout PMP, from the basics, to the project life cycle and organizations, to breaking down each process, down to managing a project, do you think you have the potential to become a successful project manager? If so, what are your weakness and how do you think you can strengthen them from everything we were taught? 

Posted : 15/08/2021 12:00 pm
Posts: 50
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Posted by: @mejefferson

From all of the knowledge we have gained throughout PMP, from the basics, to the project life cycle and organizations, to breaking down each process, down to managing a project, do you think you have the potential to become a successful project manager? If so, what are your weakness and how do you think you can strengthen them from everything we were taught? 

I do think I have the potential to become a PM, but I would need to work on leadership. Once you take that title it is a lot of self-reflection. You have to be able to control your attitude/ emotions and manage others. I think it would be challenging but it seems to be worth it when you get a great project done and see end results. The best thing to do to strengthen this is just to reflect, don't overreact, and remember the main goal of the project. 

Posted : 16/08/2021 11:46 am
Posts: 45
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Yes, I think I am going to apply for PM positions once I get done with this degree in the Fall. Now I would say that it is experience. At my current job, I have taken on a leadership role of team lead. My goal is to use  this time as practice, and develop the qualities and understanding on what is needed to be an effective leader.

Posted : 17/08/2021 7:07 pm
Posts: 45
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Posted by: @mejefferson

From all of the knowledge we have gained throughout PMP, from the basics, to the project life cycle and organizations, to breaking down each process, down to managing a project, do you think you have the potential to become a successful project manager? If so, what are your weakness and how do you think you can strengthen them from everything we were taught? 

Wow great question. I have to say that based on the information that I have gained throughout PMP that I now have the potential to be successful project manager. I believe that this course has shown me that even with a great plan you have to be a exceptional leader that has patience and not micromanage. That the title of a leader comes with a great responsibility. I believe a weakness of mine is trusting that the team members will handle the responsibility and to be able to truly delegate. This course has opened my eyes to trusting your team and just reaching for updates so no deadlines are missed. I believe that always looking at ways to improve oneself truly makes a great leader.

Posted : 18/08/2021 9:52 pm
Posts: 46
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Posted by: @mejefferson

From all of the knowledge we have gained throughout PMP, from the basics, to the project life cycle and organizations, to breaking down each process, down to managing a project, do you think you have the potential to become a successful project manager? If so, what are your weakness and how do you think you can strengthen them from everything we were taught? 

Great discussion question.  I do think I could be a successful project manager because of my training.  I think my strengths would be in the Planning phase of the project.  My weakness would be coming up with the time line, or time management.  The way I would strengthen that weakness is by hiring someone who has excellent time management skills with experience in previous successful projects.

Posted : 21/08/2021 6:31 am
Posts: 80
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I think I would make a successful project manager. From what we've learned, communication is one of, if not the, most important skill for a successful project manager. I consider communication to be broken down into 2 parts: communication between people and communication of ideas, with each being essential. Communication between people allows for the project to go smoother as you are able to connect the right people to solve problems that will arise. Communication of ideas is important for explaining projects and problems, which becomes vital when speaking to stakeholders. Personally, my education has always stressed the importance of being able to articulate complex engineering problems/ideas into a digestible format so that anyone can understand. I would consider both types of communication to be my strong suit and is something that I will only continue to work and and improve upon.




Posted : 11/04/2022 2:47 pm
Posts: 79
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I think I would make for a good PM since I've held leadership positions before and have been able to lead groups on various projects. I think the part I would need to focus more on is developing a stronger technical foundation to be able to answer questions that my future team may need help with being the PM for the team. A good PM not only is familiar with their own tasks but also of those they work with since they are primarily responsible for making sure all parts of the team work smoothly. 

Posted : 11/04/2022 9:47 pm
Posts: 78
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I believe that I do have the potential to become a successful manager. I enjoy leadership positions, and I like planning and time managing different projects. I enjoyed my industry experience in management more than my current academic researcher position, so I would like to go back to the industry after the completion of my degree. I think one of my weaknesses currently is that I don’t have enough experience in project management, and I believe that to become a good project manager you need to be exposed to as many different project cases as possible. From this course, I have definitely expanded my knowledge on the project management process, and I have gained further insight on how to become a good project manager from my peers on the Forum. Furthermore, the Simulation cases and the mini-Simulations helped me to see how unexpected obstacles can occur and to learn how to deal with them.

Posted : 12/04/2022 10:14 pm
Posts: 78
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I do not think I would become a project manager. It appears too demanding for me and if the project fails, it's all reflected on me. I would be much happier as one of the team members. After some experience working under a PM, I may apply for a position. Going straight to becoming a manager after graduation, is very unlikely for me. I feel I could do it, but it is something I could not see myself being happy doing.

Posted : 14/04/2022 5:34 pm
Posts: 81
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According to the PMI Talent Triangle, a successful project manager requires technical project management, leadership, as well as strategic and business management skills. Based on my current experience leading the development of a medical device, I realized I do have a technical background on varying subject matter who others can refer to for guidance and to help solve problems. I also try my best to demonstrate leadership qualities by promoting communication, taking initiative, pointing out risks, setting deadlines, maintaining quality control, as well as motivating others. However, I have been working on building my understanding of business and developing strategies to commercialize products. I did take a principles of management course during my undergrad which first introduced me to the importance of leadership, the idea of followership, planning and decision making, and organizational controls. Just like everyone else I am taking this class to learn more about the organizational structures, regulations, phases, and activities in industry. Recently, I have also been going through the National Science Foundation Innovation-Corps programs to strengthen my understanding in translating a product into the market which requires procuring resources and funding, managing a budget, constructing a business model canvas, formulating hypotheses, and conducting interviews to build your network and validate your claims. I hope with more experience, I can become an effective project manager.

Posted : 16/04/2022 6:07 pm
Posts: 79
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While I do think I can become a good PM, I do recognize that there are still skill that I can greatly improve upon and many of them will come with experience. I can read as much as I want on how to communicate effectively but until I am in a situation where I need to convey an idea to a team, I will not know which areas I would need to improve on. On the other hand, I think this class has covered many important aspects as stated in the prompt, such as the basics of being a manager, the project life cycle and organizations, breaking down each process, and all the way down to managing a project as a whole. I think some of the biggest areas where I will need to improve are making sure that I am able to balance leading the team as well as making meaningful contributions to the project too and acting like a team member and not just someone telling others what to do. Communication is a big aspect of this and that's where I will most likely need to master in order to become the most effective PM I can be. 

Posted : 17/04/2022 1:13 pm
Posts: 76
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While I have held leadership positions in organizations I have been a part of, I cannot say for sure how well I would do in a PM position in the professional field until I have had the opportunity to be a team member in a few projects as well as an opportunity to work closely with a PM. Learning about the different aspects of project management in a course such as this is one thing, and it definitely gives me some preparation for the real world, but the most growth and insight as to how well I would perform in such a role definitely would come from experience, even if it is second-hand experience gained through observation. That being said, I do believe I have the potential to be a good PM due to my leadership experiences I mentioned prior and how well I contributed to the organization when I held those positions, but like with most skills and talents, I can only become a better PM through exposure. Despite that, I know that I personally need to work on myself on an individual as well if I am to live up to that potential as I tend to be somewhat meek and can end up being someone that leads from the shadows as opposed to someone leading by example, which is not the type of leader I would want to be. After overcoming the barriers of experience and confidence, I know that I can be an effective PM.

Posted : 17/04/2022 4:29 pm
Posts: 56
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As with some of my peers I feel like my biggest weakness with this is my leadership ability. I feel like this stems from not being taught this in school so therefore the lack of exposure makes it something that many young people can struggle with. This is something I am trying to work on but the best way to learn is by doing it. I had some experience leading while doing research a few years back. I was the head of a small subsection of our group however I was intimidated by the task since all of the people in my group were older than me and I was just chosen because of my ability and knowledge in that area. Either way I made it through the experience alive however I feel like I still have a lot more that I can improve on and will continue to strive for improvement.

Posted : 17/04/2022 5:13 pm
Posts: 65
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Last semester I took a precursor for this course with Dr. Simon, and midway through this semester I started studying for the CAPM. Majority of what we learned in both courses actually helped me feel very prepared to take the CAPM exam. Although its not a PMP license, I do feel like I am much more aware of the project management cycle and its processes if I were to take on a junior role. 

Taking this course and additional ones, I found my biggest weakness would be not allowing personal life to affect the work life, which then hinders project management because of all of the work/time/commitment/energy/leadership that is needed to successfully run/finish a project. This weakness comes down to communication, learning where to get help from your team or other members of management to let them know what’s going on, how we can continue on, and how to ensure i remember the end goal that needs to be achieved. 

Posted : 18/04/2022 1:50 am
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

This is a great question. This course really posed this question to pause and evaluate our sets of skill to understand our strengths and weaknesses. I don't think  I would want to do project management even though I have some leadership experience and skills. I prefer to work on my own part of project rather than managing the big picture mainly because I am not as organized. Being a PM requires you to be extremely organized and punctual with timeline. I can do small scale managing- maybe a part of the project. But to manage the entire flow of a project from innovation to production takes great skills. At least for now I want to take this course as a lesson about my weakness and want to improve my skill in organization so that eventually managing a project in its entirety comes naturally. Even if don't work as a PM, these skill will always be beneficial in my personal and career growth. 

Posted : 21/04/2022 1:11 am
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