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Hiring team members

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As a project manager, do you prefer to hire employees with specialized skills or those who have a broad range of skills and can be more versatile in their roles?

Posted : 12/03/2023 5:52 pm
Posts: 75
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Although I do not have experience in being a project manager I think it would be important to have a team with both members to be most successful. For example in the mini simulation that was just given there was a team member that was an expert in a certain skill and in charge of the clinical studies. Although he was very knowledgeable in this area he is not capable of doing all the studies by himself hence why clinical studies required a significant amount of time. If there were additional team members that had some knowledge in the area he could have led them and had extra help cutting down the time needed for clinical studies.

Posted : 12/03/2023 8:32 pm
Posts: 70
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I think that it is the job of the project manager to determine what type of role they are hiring for and which type of employee would be better suited for the job. I agree with @jj52 and how they described that having both types of employees would be most beneficial towards the project. If the role that is being filled requires more technical skills, then it would be most ideal to hire an employee with specialized skills that would be able to accomplish the tasks given to them. Alternatively, if the role that is being filled requires the employee to take on multiple types of tasks then it would be best for the employee to be well rounded so that they can tackle any type of task given to them. Granted, they would not have a high level understanding of any particular skill, however, if they were paired with someone who had high technical skill in that one area then they would be able to efficiently perform their jobs and help the project, team, and company.

Posted : 12/03/2023 9:11 pm
Posts: 39
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Depends on the circumstance. If a job requires a variety of skills, then having a broad skill set from from employees would be wise. On the contrary, if the job requires a specific skill set, then specialization would be preferred. Nevertheless, I think the better approach is to actually rely on past experiences. Some skills sets within a job may be difficult to gauge. A project manager's perspective is different from the employee that works on it. Therefore, if there are past employees are or other resources that better inform the project manager's decision, that should be priority. For instance, it might be wise to judge from a previous employee whether the a certain skill takes a lot of time and investment to learn versus just hiring a skilled worker.

Posted : 12/03/2023 9:25 pm
Posts: 77
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I haven't been a project manager yet so I will discuss the thought process I would probably have if I was one. Generally speaking, I think that the best team would be made of up individuals of both categories. For the routine, mundane, or not so technical project tasks, I would hire individuals with a broad set of skills for their versatility. However, if one task of the project requires a task to be executed as perfectly as possible, I would choose the highly specialized individual. For example, if the project task requires important, sensitive information to be collected, I would pick the individual who I know could do this. On the other hand, if the project requires the creation of change notices or something similar, I could choose anyone from the respective department that would be available. In a lab sense, if there is a complex procedure that needs to be completed, I would choose the individual whose focus is that. I wouldn't choose a lab member who does all of the other simpler procedures. While they know more procedures and could probably learn the new procedure, it is unclear how long training would take and how long it would take for them to complete the procedure correctly and accurately quickly.

Posted : 21/03/2023 2:21 pm
Posts: 77
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In terms of hiring employees with specialized skills or with a broader range of skills, it would vary depending on the type of project. Project teams should be filled with both types of individuals in order to be successful. If an opening on the team is for a very technical role, then it may be better to hire the individual with the specialized skills. For a role, that may not be as technical, it may be beneficial to hire employees that are more versatile and have a wider skill set. For example, in a medical device company, it would be more beneficial to hire an engineer that is experienced in manufacturing for the manufacturing department, whereas an employee within the quality department may not be an engineer since it does not require a specialized skill set. Additionally, the hiring of the employee may also depend on the skill set of the rest of the team. If most of the team has specialized skills, it may be beneficial to add a more well-rounded individual team. Likewise, if the team is full of members with a broader range of skills, it is important to add more specialized individuals.

Posted : 23/03/2023 11:10 pm
Posts: 42
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In general, the method of recruiting employees having specific skills for a project is too lengthy and detailed. When the project manager does it in the right way then he will be able to discover and recruit highly skilled employees who bound and represent the organization’s business in their desired way. But hiring skilled employees is a bit complex for small-scale industries or organizations because of poor HR experience.  Depending on what the actual organization requires, the project manager can recruit employees having either specialized skills or a wide range of skills. The manager can also recruit employees depending on the type of role they are looking for. It is best for an employee to be well-rounded if the position they are filling calls for them to handle a variety of jobs, as this will enable them to handle any task that is assigned to them. Although the newly hired individuals might not have a deep understanding of any one talent, if they were partnered with someone who did, they would be able to do their roles effectively and benefit the project, team, and business.

Posted : 24/03/2023 12:53 am
Posts: 61
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I would say, being versatile in their roles is better since you can achieve multiple things within the same position. From past experiences, you can put all the knowledge absorbed from the different tasks you have done into a new situation. It is important to know a little bit of everything if possible to perform efficiently in the company. This would help you to grow professionally and personally as well. Specialized skills are crucial if a very specific job is needed, otherwise, I believe versatility is better.

Posted : 25/03/2023 10:03 am
Posts: 36
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As already mentioned by some, versatility is favorable but also is highly dependent on the role of each team member. If a role of one member is more technical and research heavy, it will be better if this individuals knowledge is more specialized. This is very true if the project hits clinical trials, someone with a specialized knowledge of how to run these experiments and trials will prove beneficial. Depending on what the project is versatile knowledge can be useful when sudden changes are made to the project. There may be a change that is needed to the project due to stakeholders needs changing, a team that can adapt to this change and expand their current knowledge to accommodate these changes will serve very useful. So all in all both can be useful depending on the project requirements and each members role.

Posted : 03/04/2023 4:53 pm
Posts: 33
Eminent Member

When hiring team members, it's important to understand the goal of the project and analyze whether or not specialized skills are needed to complete it. In some cases, it is better to hire employees with specialized skills if specific technical expertise is needed which can often lead to better final results. On the other hand, employees with a broad range of skills are also valuable because they can adapt and perform wherever help is needed. These types of employees can switch tasks easily and can use all their prior knowledge to help them perform. These types of employees are more useful in a fast-paced environment and where things are changed abruptly. Overall, a project manager should analyze the goals of the project and understand what type of employees they should hire so that they can complete the task at hand successfully. It could be someone with a broad range of skills or someone who is specialized in a particular skill. A combination of both of these types of employees can also be beneficial in the long term.

Posted : 05/04/2023 9:07 pm
Posts: 78
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I don't have any working experience as a manager in the industry. But I used to attend a company cooperation project at my last university. Although it's short, I learned a lot in that team. I believe both of them are important. The one who has expertise skills is the one who progresses the project. And the one who has broad skills could give different opinions and helps the project perfect. It's very efficient that someone can answer the question besides the expert's profession. So I want to keep four experts and one person with a broad range of skills on my team if I need to lead a team.

Posted : 07/04/2023 5:18 pm
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

As many have expressed before, this would depend on the specific needs of the project and the roles that need to be filled. In some cases, it may be more beneficial to hire employees with specialized skills because they can bring a high level of expertise to specific tasks, which can improve the overall quality and efficiency of the project. However, in other cases, hiring employees with a broad range of skills may be more advantageous as they can adapt to different tasks and roles throughout the project, reducing the need for constant rehiring and training. For instance, take a project that requires both technical expertise and creative problem-solving skills. In this case, hiring only specialized employees may result in a lack of innovation and flexibility, while hiring only versatile employees may result in a lack of technical proficiency.

Conversely, there are also situations where hiring specialized employees can lead to a more efficient and successful project. For example, if the project involves highly technical tasks such as software development or engineering, it may be more beneficial to hire employees with deep expertise in these areas rather than relying on employees with a broad range of skills who may not have the same level of proficiency. In this scenario, having highly specialized employees could result in a higher quality product and a faster completion time.

Ultimately, I think the best approach is to evaluate the specific needs of the project and the roles that need to be filled before making a hiring decision. But if I were required to assemble a team, I would try to have a good mix of specialists and versatile members, which would allow for a relatively flexible team composition.

Posted : 28/04/2023 1:24 am
Posts: 78
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I would rather employ workers that have a broad range of skills. If there were ever a time when a member of the project would have to leave suddenly, whether it be personal issues or the company moving them to another project, having more versatile workers can help with that bump in the road. While that might cause more stress on the project members, having no one or an employee with no acknowledgment of that part of the project replace the departed employee would cause more headaches.

Posted : 02/05/2023 9:42 am
Posts: 74
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When it comes to hiring a team as a project manager, the debate between hiring employees with specialized skill versus employees with a broad range of skill must come into question. While it does certainly depend on various factors including customer needs, organizational goals, and the overall nature of the work, it is still worth it to consider both approaches. When looking into hiring employees with specialized skills it is evident that their deep expertise in a specific area allows them to excel and contribute significant value within the area of the project that requires that skill. This expertise goes hand in hand with the efficiency and quality of the employee as well. An employee who specializes in a specific skill will be able to complete a particular task more quickly and accurately than someone who just a generalized skill. On the other hand, while an employee who has a broad range of skills may lack in efficiency and quality, they are more able to adapt to a variety of tasks and roles. Not only does this make them valuable to an environment that is constantly changing, but it also allows them to pivot between projects. In my opinion, if I were to take on the role of project manager I would first want to set a solid foundation of employees who posses a broader skillset. While specialization is very valuable to the efficiency and quality of a project, I believe that certain limit is placed on specialization when it is devoid of ay broad-based skill. 

Posted : 13/02/2024 2:36 pm
Posts: 70
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The choice between hiring workers with specialized skills and those with a wide variety of skills, in my opinion, is based on a number of variables, such as the project's particular requirements, the activities involved, the project's schedule, and the resources that are available. Specialized skill employees can be essential for projects that require depth expertise in software development or data analysis. On the other hand, broad range skill employees are essential  in dynamic or rapidly changing project environments such as technological startups or political campaigns. I believe that having a team with both specialized and broad range skills members will be very helpful in the  project's success.

Posted : 14/02/2024 1:58 pm
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