Last seen: Apr 13, 2024
There is a whole sea of CROs and medical/pharmaceutical groups that are looking for all types of participants to participate in one of their clinical ...
Given my background in research, medical devices, and clinical trials, I feel that I would be able to take on any role comfortably after the typical t...
From my internship at a CRO, I was able to observe the workings of phase 1 and 2 clinical trials that were happening. For the study in its second phas...
I think this is an interesting question to pose for those with or without entrepreneurship ambitions. I think most biopharama or medical device compan...
Like many of the posters above, I would also like to reiterate the importance of the sales and marketing team behind any product's development and mar...
In a business perspective, I believe that a company should consider run their advertisements based on the general demographic of a specific channel. F...
I like alot of the points mentioned above arguing for both sides. On one hand, I strongly agree that it is not ethical to establish large margins for ...
From the state/government perspective, I worked for a non-profit organization that focused on providing kids with physical activity and lunches during...
I completely understand the point of view you are conveying. I too always thought it was a bit strange that whenever there is any type of legal issue ...
I absolutely believe that when a client is requesting a contract company to build out a medical device, it is absolutely necessary and recommended tha...
I completely agree with the synopsis and iteration of significance of quality assurance and control, but I would also like to add that regulatory affa...
I personally have familiarity working on quality, specifically in the medical device industry. In quality assurance, the management and verification o...
MDSAP has its benefits and disadvantages that the other users described above. I won't be going into that since most of it will be a repeat of what th...
I absolutely believe that the slow moving process of the FDA approval process of a medical device is a sign that the system works. It is the FDA's dut...
To my knowledge, general regulations and restrictions on what is the acceptable threshold or guidelines for a medical product should already be listed...