
Karen Immanuel
Eminent Member
Joined: Sep 8, 2018
Topics: 1 / Replies: 37
RE: Discussion Topic: Course conclusion and impressions

This was such an awesome course! Taking this class parallel to my internship really helped. It helped me understand more about my company (and other m...

6 years ago
RE: Restrictions for physician's gifts

To be honest, I think these laws are necessary and I don't really think they are too restricted. Yes it does make situations awkward (like when the do...

6 years ago
RE: Written Agreement v/s Verbal Agreement

I think we need to first understand that both verbal and written agreements are recorded in some manner or the other. So both can be used and defended...

6 years ago
RE: Forming a Project Team

Building a strong team is crucial to working better. I believe that a strong team is made of people with a mixture of skills. For example, they must h...

6 years ago
RE: Collaboration projects

For collaboration process, I think matrix type organization is the best option. A matrix type organization allows people to move around based on proje...

6 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Your organizational type

I work in a functional based organization. I work for a specific department and my manager is the department supervisor. I haven't been a part of a pr...

6 years ago
RE: Risk management and Labels

When it comes to Off-The-Shelf (OTS) products, I think the quality department knows that consumers don't really read the labels and instructions that ...

6 years ago
RE: Manage Risk

This is a great question! For high level risks, I would try my best to go with avoidance, I do not want to put the patient and the company at risk, gi...

6 years ago
RE: Factors Contributing to Risk Values

Although severity and number of occurrence are the main large categories that must be looked at for risk management, there should be more evaluation a...

6 years ago
RE: Consequences Of Insufficient Design Controls

In the company that I work for, we interchange the term "Design Control" and "Document Control" because everything in design control is detained in do...

6 years ago
RE: Design input sources

As many of the students stated, design inputs so usually come from research and other investigational ideas. I would like to add that some also come f...

6 years ago
RE: Customer Needs and Design Input

I think the need or the advantage of the DID and DSD is that they serve two different audience. DID, which contains the broad specifications, is great...

6 years ago
RE: Design Documents in Academia

From my experience in research, we did also document a lot and were very specific. But we didn't have anyone inspecting us or our documents, we did it...

6 years ago
RE: Minutes for meetings

When I used to work at a research lab on campus, I didn't really pay much attention to the meeting minutes sent to me. This is because it had the info...

6 years ago
RE: Informed consent: What if Henrietta Lacks checked No for research use?

Informed consent in very very important and I'm happy to say that now a days, it is taken very seriously. Back in Henrietta's case, I don't even think...

6 years ago
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