
Trusted Member
Joined: Sep 16, 2022
Last seen: May 2, 2023
Topics: 0 / Replies: 78
RE: Design Transfer

As others have mentioned before, I believe that having periodic meetings to validate the manufacturing team understands the requirements and process w...

2 years ago
RE: Lessons Learned

Requiring a project team to report their lessons can also help in becoming familiar with the documentation. It can also help the team understand where...

2 years ago
RE: Challenges PM face

One challenge that project managers face when handling a project is making sure that everything stays on track. There could be numerous reasons why th...

2 years ago
RE: Ways to avoid going back to the Planning phase after starting the execution phase.

I would plan different routes in terms of executing the project as well as planning testing phases to make sure that the team is on the right track. I...

2 years ago
RE: Hiring team members

I would rather employ workers that have a broad range of skills. If there were ever a time when a member of the project would have to leave suddenly, ...

2 years ago
RE: How poor planning affects a project

In my job, we have to deal with customer service appropriately or customers would have adverse reactions to our approach. It wasn't known to us that t...

2 years ago
RE: Job Satisfaction

While financial compensation is a driving factor, job satisfaction, and work-life balance play a bigger role in motivation and productivity. In my pre...

2 years ago
RE: Project Manager Decisions

I believe that quality is the number one factor one should consider when placing a mass order. While the product might be cheaper, there could be an u...

2 years ago
RE: Avoiding Tunnel Vision

Having tunnel visions with these simulations, I believe, is unavoidable. The fact that you would like your current thought process to work out and try...

2 years ago
RE: Procurement Management

I don't think that cost saving should be the defining factor in procurement strategies. Supplier diversity would open more opportunities for the compa...

2 years ago
RE: Vendor Decision

With every cytotoxicity testing that was performed and failed, we learned that the marketing manager was too fast to accept the coating from the compa...

2 years ago
RE: Changining staff

As the departing employee is leaving, I would let them train their replacement if the company provides them. If possible, I would try to reach out to ...

2 years ago
RE: What is retention ?

The benefits of retaining talent comes the familiarity with the employee as well as knowing that you can rely on the end product being satisfactory. C...

2 years ago
RE: Quick, Fast, Good? Pick Two

If it were possible, I would create the clinical trial with the intent of being good and cheap. Quality of the study should be held to the highest deg...

2 years ago
RE: What should the project team learn from the failure project

Project teams should learn how to better approach the project next time after a failed one. One issue could have been that the team wasn't knowledgeab...

2 years ago
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