
Trusted Member
Joined: Sep 8, 2017
Topics: 0 / Replies: 59
RE: Discussion Topic: Is the DHF a living document?

A design history file (DHF) is a compilation of documentation that describes the design history of a finished medical device. In my option, The DHF is...

7 years ago
RE: Classification in FDA Vs EU

Medical Device: Mitral Clip Definition: Mitral Clip is used to is reduce mitral regurgitation (MR ≥ 3+) due to a primary abnormality of the mitral app...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Easier regulatory in EU?

Clinical data required for premarket approval is a significant difference in time-to-market approval in EU and US. Medical devices in the EU is regula...

7 years ago
RE: Legal Contracts

I have no experiencing dealing with legal contracts but at Edwards, there is someone from every department assigned to a project; quality, manufacturi...

7 years ago
RE: Multi-Center Clinical Studies

Multi-center clinical trials are the type of clinical trial that my team at work is trying to get approval for. From my understanding there is no "goo...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Your Field or Profession

I currently work for a group at Edwards Lifesciences that is focusing on a minimally invasive mitral valve repair device. Edwards main goal is to make...

7 years ago
RE: Restrictions for physician's gifts

I believe the list of gifts a company can and can’t give is extremely necessary for this day in age where money is very influential. If people are ou...

7 years ago
RE: Written Agreement v/s Verbal Agreement

I would not start any project just based on a verbal agreement. With a written contract you and your team/company have solid evidence about what is ne...

7 years ago
RE: Discussion Topic: Course conclusion and impressions

This course was probably the most informative, helpful, realistic course I have taken in the NJIT BME department. I have gone on several interviews th...

7 years ago
RE: Project Management Preferences

I feel like it would be most difficult for a project manager to working in a matrix organization because the main responsibility of the project manage...

7 years ago
RE: Upper vs Middle Management.

I would personally be better suited for upper management. Upper management requires someone that is able to strategies, lead, is financially incline, ...

7 years ago
RE: Forming a Project Team

The main factor when working with people is working with a goal. To form a project team, I would first figure out all details of the project I am work...

7 years ago
RE: how far is "As Far As Possible"

AFAP means that the device no longer can be identified with threats towards humans, operational, reputational, procedural, project, financial, technic...

7 years ago
RE: Manage Risk

High severity means that the risk occurrence is frequent and is significant and is unacceptable because it has the potential to harm the patient using...

7 years ago
RE: Design Review Meetings

Design review takes place multiple times during the development process and is a milestone in the product development process and the meetings themsel...

7 years ago
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