I think the rules set are good. Because, physician can attend business meeting but I dont think wife has anythig to do with that business meeting. We ...
NDA is a contract between two people who agree not to disclose anything related to product and sign. A patent is a document which shows/proves the own...
Oral agreement is limited to words spoken by people. There is no evidence unlike in written agreement. Oral agreements are difficult to defend in cour...
I would consider choosing matrix organization for my company. Matrix organization has given successful results in managing the project. It gives bette...
I think I have the technical expertise to run a project as a middle-level project manager. Also, I agree with other that, to negotiate with clients an...
I agree with akshayakirithy and srg36. Making departments understand and work together, it is very important to bridge the gap or clear the difference...
It is always good to have wide variety of inputs from people at all steps of product process to analyse and identify risks because its difficult to kn...
Labelling and istructions are very important for a medical device. Its the way to tell users to how to use device. Companies while advertising the pro...
High severity risks are unacceptable because they can cause severe harm to patients. Avoidance or mitigation would be good for high severity risks. Co...
Devices which are used outside the body and which does not need clinical/ preclinical trials does not possess severe risks to patient. Few examples in...
Devices which are used outside the body and which does not need clinical/ preclinical trials does not possess severe risks to patient. Few examples in...
Gantt chart should have all the outline which tells the project start date, end date, each project steps like planning, designing, developing, quality...
DDP written by project manager is important which outlines all the developments of the project. Hence it is difficult to say one part is important in ...
I feel that communication management plan is the most important because only if the people are discussing properly then they can find the flaws of a p...
Design controls always important for each class of medical device. For instance lets take pacemakers. If the design of pacemaker is not properly valid...