In the current company I work at, we identify risks through a PHMM or Product Hazard and Mitigation Matrix. In these meetings you have directors from ...
Some other tools that I have seen used in risk management is root cause analysis. This allows us to pinpoint the factor or cause of the failure to hel...
Design review meetings consist of many things. They review updates and changes that may be necessary and make a decision on said decision. Usually in ...
I actually just wrote and performed both verification procedures as well as validations for the current company I work at. FDA does not mandate a spec...
Meeting minutes are a very important part of the design change process of the device and development as well. It depends what stage you are in the the...
I agree as well with the comment above, that if to choose a certain aspect that is important in the design development plan, the scope management plan...
The reason design controls fails is because either procedures are not followed or the procedures themselves are poorly written, and the planning of ev...
To add to the previous response, design verifications and design validations are very similar however, design verifications verify the design inputs a...