Last seen: Apr 24, 2023
Outsourcing vs insourcing for clinical trials should be based on the company's internal capabilities to perform a clinical trial. If the company itsel...
As mentioned by a few here and also discussed in the lecture, money is not an actual motivator but a demotivators. Most people want "fair" pay, not mo...
As discussed in this weeks lecture, motivation and how motivated employees are will determine how happy/content they are at their current job. With re...
Lessoned learned documents are incredibly useful for the success and continuation of a project. I remember when I was a part of a senior design capsto...
My biggest motivation is success and the prospect of helping others. I work in the Biotech industry because I like the thought that someone is being s...
As mentioned by others picking these threes qualities depends heavily on the needs and financial status of the project and study. One trait that I thi...
I find myself to be a technical person who can work well in a team environment and tend to be a good teamplayer. While I have had experience in a lead...
I believe that it should be a part of a project for each member to have a general idea of other components of the project. I do not believe much time ...
Change in staff is inevitable in a work environment because people are ambitious and are always searching for new opportunities. In the case of a proj...
I agree with alot of posts here that a balance in satisfying the stakeholders and project team is favorable. However when doing a project for a corpor...
Projects are volatile by nature. A lot of things can happen and within different scopes. A team member can become suddenly ill, the project budget cha...
As already mentioned by some, versatility is favorable but also is highly dependent on the role of each team member. If a role of one member is more t...
Project managers responsibility is to communicate to stakeholder and come to consensus of each stakeholders needs. When it comes to a change in the pr...
Giving Project managers the power to change to a project plan without stakeholders approval is not a good idea. While the Project manager has knowledg...
As mentioned by @Dke2 too much monitoring will lead to micromanagement. Every PM has a responsibility to monitor the team as well as the progress with...